AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-14fix: Can't build without main function on Windowsrepl-testErik Svedäng
2021-06-08fix: Now the test might actually passErik Svedäng
2021-06-08Merge branch 'master' into repl-testErik Svedäng
2021-06-08fix: fix repl function application evaluation (#1238)Scott Olsen
2021-06-08Update README.mdErik Svedäng
2021-06-08chore: Make the test runErik Svedäng
2021-06-08clean up IO library (#1232)guberathome
2021-06-08refactor: Changed a few thingsErik Svedäng
2021-06-08test: some basic repl interactionsErik Svedäng
2021-06-08refactor: move form validation into a separate module (#1233)Scott Olsen
2021-06-06fix: ClarificationErik Svedäng
2021-06-06fix: Make changelog into a markdown listErik Svedäng
2021-06-06build: Release 0.5.1v0.5.1_macOSv0.5.1_Windowsv0.5.1_Linuxv0.5.1Erik Svedäng
2021-06-05fix: support recursive let bindings in static code (Fix 402) (#1230)Scott Olsen
2021-06-01fix: Don't crash on invalid member in struct / sumtype (#1228)Erik Svedäng
2021-05-31PR: additional local documentation as html (#1229)guberathome
2021-05-27feat: Remove `address` (#1223)Erik Svedäng
2021-05-27feat: add Dynamic.get-env and Dynamic.set-env (#1227)Veit Heller
2021-05-26fix: fix repl autocomplete (#1225)Scott Olsen
2021-05-26refactor: Remove deps functions in ArrayTemplates (#1093)Erik Svedäng
2021-05-25fix: Unify aupdate and aupdate! with other update functions (#1220)Erik Svedäng
2021-05-25test: Regression tests for recent improvements and bug fixes (#1218)Erik Svedäng
2021-05-25chore: Re-format Haskell code (#1219)Erik Svedäng
2021-05-24fix: allow function arguments to shadow commands (#1217)Scott Olsen
2021-05-24fix: don't expand inner module macros on first pass; privacy (#1216)Scott Olsen
2021-05-24Fix: Allow shadows of global commands, allow recursion in let bindings. (#1214)Scott Olsen
2021-05-22fix: don't crash validation on invalid types (#1208)Scott Olsen
2021-05-22fix: don't type check untyped forms in set! (#1209)Scott Olsen
2021-05-22fix: concretize def forms (#1211)Scott Olsen
2021-05-22fix: properly assign types to recursive calls (#1210)Scott Olsen
2021-05-22fix: rename type variables during concretization to prevent collisions (#1212)Scott Olsen
2021-05-19Refactor: clean up Env module, store type environments in modules (#1207)Scott Olsen
2021-05-03feat: add Unsafe.C.asm (#1206)Veit Heller
2021-04-23fix: fix String.words for multiple spaces (#1205)Veit Heller
2021-04-20docs: fix order of args in map-reduce docs (#1203)Veit Heller
2021-04-19feat: add (#1201)Veit Heller
2021-04-10refactor: Uses def- & defn- macro in core (#1200)Tim Dévé
2021-04-06feat: use ascii type variables in prettify (#1195)Veit Heller
2021-04-06feat: treat keywords as symbols (#1190)Veit Heller
2021-04-03fix: use correct symbol type in Symbol.prefix (#1197)Veit Heller
2021-04-01fix: remove broken file (#1194)Veit Heller
2021-04-01refactor: use ormolu (#1193)Veit Heller
2021-03-30docs: add docstrings to some dynamic functions (#1191)Veit Heller
2021-03-16feat: add and Char.from-byte (#1187)Veit Heller
2021-03-16refactor: use assert-dynamic-equal in test (#1186)Veit Heller
2021-03-15feat: add (#1185)Veit Heller
2021-03-15feat: add 'when' functions for Maybe and Result (#1180)Scott Olsen
2021-03-09fix: allow dynamic closures to mutate the global env (#1184)Scott Olsen
2021-03-09refactor: Move evaluation errors into a separate module (#1158)Scott Olsen
2021-03-09feat: add macros for emitting C compiler directives (#1182)Scott Olsen