AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-20chore: apply code formattingformattingErik Svedäng
2021-12-20refactor: add type candidates and template generators (#1361)Scott Olsen
2021-12-16fix: ensure registered types with fields emit path (#1364)Scott Olsen
2021-12-12fix: permit registering types in modules (#1362)Scott Olsen
2021-11-30feat: add box type (#1358)Scott Olsen
2021-11-19Revert "fix: Ignore clang nitpick"Erik Svedäng
2021-11-17fix: Ignore clang nitpickErik Svedäng
2021-11-06feat: add bytes->hex-string (#1354)Scott Olsen
2021-11-03feat: Adds flag to always output C id with headerparse (#1353)Tim Dévé
2021-10-28docs: add documentation to core expressions (#1350) (#1352)Veit Heller
2021-10-28test: add match given-away value error test (#1351)Lucas Leblow
2021-10-25fix: don't emit Unit type the casts (#1349)Scott Olsen
2021-10-25Bug fix for #1064 and #843 (#1321)Lucas Leblow
2021-10-22fix: don't hang on module expansions (#1340)Scott Olsen
2021-10-22feat: `scan` functions (#1339)Erik Svedäng
2021-10-18fix: Don't pass 'If' to InvalidObj when Obj actually is 'Mod' (#1327)Erik Svedäng
2021-10-18feat: register-type improvements (#1332)Scott Olsen
2021-10-14Update ControlMacros.carp (#1336)rgkirch
2021-10-12fix: categorize static calls correctly (#1322)Veit Heller
2021-10-12docs: fix typo in (#1331)Scott Olsen
2021-10-11Update (#1324)rgkirch
2021-09-27feat: add assignment operator macros (#1320)Scott Olsen
2021-09-18feat: add compiler error on maximum sumtype constructors (#1319)Veit Heller
2021-09-17build: 0.5.3v0.5.3Erik Svedäng
2021-09-17ci: Merges different platform releases into one (#1313)Tim Dévé
2021-09-17feat: add Dynamic.List.find-index (#1316)Veit Heller
2021-09-17feat: add expand-compiled (#1310)Veit Heller
2021-09-16fix: use non-deprecated unlink function on windows (#1311)Veit Heller
2021-09-15fix: run ormolu and clang-format (#1312)Veit Heller
2021-09-15ci: Runs nixpkgs workflow only on master (#1315)Tim Dévé
2021-09-15ci: Uses older windows version for CI (#1314)Tim Dévé
2021-09-08build: 0.5.2v0.5.2_macOSv0.5.2_Windowsv0.5.2_Linuxv0.5.2Erik Svedäng
2021-09-04feat: allow C types to satisfy all type constraints (#1306)Scott Olsen
2021-09-04fix: #1261 (#1272)Erik Svedäng
2021-09-04fix: elide void definitions (#1305)Veit Heller
2021-09-04fix: Allow types defined in modules to be members (#1303)Scott Olsen
2021-09-04fix: ensure interface values aren't discarded (#1308)Scott Olsen
2021-08-23feat: Add Float.round (#1301)Scott Olsen
2021-08-23feat: Add additional ignore macros (#1300)Scott Olsen
2021-08-10fix: fix nested polymorphic types (#1294)Scott Olsen
2021-08-05refactor: Cleanup Concretize module (#1283)Scott Olsen
2021-07-30fix: Fix scoring of type and function declarations (#1290)Scott Olsen
2021-07-29fix: escape quotes in String.prn (#1287)Veit Heller
2021-07-29fix: make Symbol.prefix work on qualified symbols (#1286)Scott Olsen
2021-07-23fix: respect line number in repl (#1282)Veit Heller
2021-07-15fix: fix dynamic let bindings recursion and binder leaks (#1281)Veit Heller
2021-07-14feat: add Dynamic.Debug.trace (#1279)Veit Heller
2021-07-13feat: add Dynamic.proc? (#1278)Veit Heller
2021-07-13feat: add List.remove-nth (#1277)Veit Heller
2021-07-09feat: add machine-info primitive draft (#1269)Veit Heller