AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-02-28fix: mangle member name in deletion generator (#1458)HEADmasterVeit Heller
2023-01-31chore: remove usage of sprintf (#1453)Veit Heller
2023-01-31docs: add clarification to SDL comment (#1454)Veit Heller
2022-12-28Document the memory management system further (#1442)Scott Olsen
2022-12-28chore: make Carp compile w/ GHC 9.2 + stack lts20.0 (#1449)Scott Olsen
2022-12-28docs: cleanup core IO docs (#1447)Scott Olsen
2022-12-05chore: Fix typos (#1444)jgart
2022-11-01chore: disable unused-but-set-variable for clang (#1441)Scott Olsen
2022-11-01docs: update (#1435)Scott Olsen
2022-09-28refactor: remove unnecessary solveOneInternal function (#1433)Scott Olsen
2022-08-30fix: quasiquoting breaks List.pairs (#1431)Veit Heller
2022-08-30fix: allow String.concat to work on lists (#1430)Veit Heller
2022-08-29feat: add bag data structure (#1429)Veit Heller
2022-08-14docs: Fix typo in language guide (#1426)Stig Brautaset
2022-04-22fix: bullet points in change logErik Svedäng
2022-04-22build: Release 0.5.5v0.5.5Erik Svedäng
2022-04-21docs: Updates markdown docs to only have one h1 (#1418)Tim Dévé
2022-04-19feat: add fputc wrapper to IO (#1417)Scott Olsen
2022-04-13feat: register MAX and MIN macros for stdint types (#1412)Scott Olsen
2022-04-12fix: respect symbol modes on interface concretization (#1415)Scott Olsen
2022-04-11fix: respect let binding shadowing in memory management (#1413)Scott Olsen
2022-04-09feat: Adds Dynamic.sort & improves output of failing dynamic tests (#1411)Tim Dévé
2022-04-06feat: implement blit on ByteOrder (#1410)Scott Olsen
2022-04-05chore: Updates Stackage version to 19.2 (#1408)Tim Dévé
2022-04-04feat: don't manage blittable types (#1407)Scott Olsen
2022-03-29ci: Re-enable Debug.sanitize on Windows (#1406)Tim Dévé
2022-03-28feat: add IO.fgetc (#1405)Scott Olsen
2022-03-24feat: support cons-last for arrays (#1402)Scott Olsen
2022-03-23refactor: project configuration get/set parity (#1400)Scott Olsen
2022-03-21ci: Fixes scoop install as admin user (#1399)Tim Dévé
2022-03-18feat: add c-name meta field (#1398)Scott Olsen
2022-02-14feat: add (#1382)Scott Olsen
2022-01-24fix: mangle field names in setter templates (#1379)Scott Olsen
2022-01-24fix: fix leading % format in fmt (#1380)Veit Heller
2022-01-10fix: #1347 by ignoring generically typed symbols on printing C (#1373)Veit Heller
2022-01-09fix: Fixes nix install by using correct pkg-configDepends config key (#1372)Tim Dévé
2022-01-09fix: fix type signature of Array.unsafe-raw (#1375)Scott Olsen
2022-01-03chore: try using ubuntu instead of macOS to run NixErik Svedäng
2022-01-03chore: try to randomly bump cachix/install-nix-action to v15Erik Svedäng
2021-12-30docs: Instructions to ensure correct handling of utf-8 (#1367)IrrenWirr
2021-12-22build: Release 0.5.4v0.5.4Erik Svedäng
2021-12-22chore: apply code formatting (#1365)Erik Svedäng
2021-12-20refactor: add type candidates and template generators (#1361)Scott Olsen
2021-12-16fix: ensure registered types with fields emit path (#1364)Scott Olsen
2021-12-12fix: permit registering types in modules (#1362)Scott Olsen
2021-11-30feat: add box type (#1358)Scott Olsen
2021-11-19Revert "fix: Ignore clang nitpick"Erik Svedäng
2021-11-17fix: Ignore clang nitpickErik Svedäng
2021-11-06feat: add bytes->hex-string (#1354)Scott Olsen
2021-11-03feat: Adds flag to always output C id with headerparse (#1353)Tim Dévé