diff options
authorbellard <bellard>2001-10-27 23:48:39 +0000
committerbellard <bellard>2001-10-27 23:48:39 +0000
commit27f6e16bae9d0f73acec07f61aea696ab5adc680 (patch)
Initial revisioninitial
3 files changed, 978 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb4ada4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+all: test cvt
+test: prog.bin
+ cmp -l prog.bin prog.bin.ref
+run: tc prog.c
+ ./tc prog.c
+run2: tc tc1.c prog.c
+ ./tc tc1.c prog.c
+run3: tc tc1.c prog.c
+ ./tc tc1.c tc1.c prog.c
+prog.bin: prog.c tct
+ ./tct prog.c $@
+ ndisasm -b 32 $@
+p2.bin: p2.c tct
+ ./tct $< $@
+ ndisasm -b 32 $@
+tct: tc.c
+ gcc -DTEST -O2 -g -o $@ $< -ldl
+tc: tc.c Makefile
+ gcc -O2 -Wall -g -o $@ $< -ldl
+tc1: tc1.c
+ gcc -O2 -Wall -g -o $@ $<
+cvt: cvt.c
+ gcc -O2 -Wall -g -o $@ $<
+instr.o: instr.S
+ gcc -O2 -Wall -g -c -o $@ $<
+tc.i: tc.c Makefile
+ gcc -E -P -DTINY -o $@ tc.c
+tc1.c: tc.i cvt Makefile
+ ./cvt $< $@
+ @ls -l $@
+test2: tct tc1.c
+ ./tct tc1.c tc2
+ ndisasm -b 32 tc2
+tc2: tc
+ ./tct < tc1.c > tc2
+ ndisasm -b 32 tc2
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0add706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+- 'x'=
+- shifts
+- conditionnal ?:
+- constant propagation for '+', '-' and [].
+- verify function types
diff --git a/tcc.c b/tcc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ea084f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tcc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,920 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#define TEXT_SIZE 20000
+#define DATA_SIZE 2000
+#define SYM_TABLE_SIZE 10000
+#define VAR_TABLE_SIZE 4096
+/* vac: offset of variables
+ vat: type of variables
+ loc : local variable index
+ glo : global variable index
+ parm : parameter variable index
+ ind : output code ptr
+ lsym: loop symbol stack
+ rsym: return symbol
+ prog: output code
+ astk: arg position stack
+int tok, *vac, *vat, *lsym, rsym,
+ prog, ind, loc, glo, file, vt,
+ vc, *macro_stack, *macro_stack_ptr;
+char *idtable, *idptr, *idlast;
+/* The current value can be: */
+#define VT_CONST 0x0002 /* constant in vc */
+#define VT_VAR 0x0004 /* value is in eax */
+#define VT_LOCAL 0x0008 /* offset on stack */
+#define VT_LVAL 0x0010 /* const or var is an lvalue */
+#define VT_CMP 0x0020 /* the value is stored in processor flags (in vc) */
+#define VT_FORWARD 0x0040 /* value is forward reference (only used for functions) */
+#define VT_JMP 0x0080 /* value is the consequence of jmp. bit 0 is set if inv */
+#define VT_LVALN -17 /* ~VT_LVAL */
+ *
+ * VT_FUNC indicates a function. The return type is the stored type. A
+ * function pointer is stored as a 'char' pointer.
+ *
+ * If VT_PTRMASK is non nul, then it indicates the number of pointer
+ * iterations to reach the basic type.
+ *
+ * Basic types:
+ *
+ * VT_BYTE indicate a char
+ *
+ *
+ * otherwise integer type is assumed.
+ * */
+#define VT_BYTE 0x00001 /* byte pointer. HARDCODED VALUE */
+#define VT_PTRMASK 0x00f00 /* pointer mask */
+#define VT_PTRINC 0x00100 /* pointer increment */
+#define VT_FUNC 0x01000 /* function type */
+#define VT_TYPE 0x01f01 /* type mask */
+#define VT_TYPEN 0xffffe0fe /* ~VT_TYPE */
+#define VT_FUNCN -4097
+/* Special infos */
+#define VT_DEFINE 0x02000 /* special value for #defined symbols */
+/* token values */
+#define TOK_INT 256
+#define TOK_VOID 257
+#define TOK_CHAR 258
+#define TOK_IF 259
+#define TOK_ELSE 260
+#define TOK_WHILE 261
+#define TOK_BREAK 262
+#define TOK_RETURN 263
+#define TOK_DEFINE 264
+#define TOK_MAIN 265
+#define TOK_EQ 0x94 /* warning: depend on asm code */
+#define TOK_NE 0x95 /* warning: depend on asm code */
+#define TOK_LT 0x9c /* warning: depend on asm code */
+#define TOK_GE 0x9d /* warning: depend on asm code */
+#define TOK_LE 0x9e /* warning: depend on asm code */
+#define TOK_GT 0x9f /* warning: depend on asm code */
+#define TOK_LAND 0xa0
+#define TOK_LOR 0xa1
+#define TOK_DEC 0xa2
+#define TOK_MID 0xa3 /* inc/dec, to void constant */
+#define TOK_INC 0xa4
+#define TOK_SHL 0xe0 /* warning: depend on asm code */
+#define TOK_SHR 0xf8 /* warning: depend on asm code */
+#ifdef TEST
+void error(char *msg)
+ printf("%d: %s\n", ftell(file), msg);
+ exit(1);
+void warning(char *msg)
+ printf("%d: warning: %s\n", ftell(file), msg);
+int inp()
+#if 0
+ int c;
+ c = fgetc(file);
+ printf("c=%c\n", c);
+ return c;
+ return fgetc(file);
+int isid(c)
+ return (c >= 'a' & c <= 'z') |
+ (c >= 'A' & c <= 'Z') |
+ c == '_';
+int isnum(c)
+ return c >= '0' & c <= '9';
+#ifdef TEST
+void skip(c)
+ if (tok != c) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d: '%c' expected\n", ftell(file), c);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ next();
+#define skip(c) next()
+void next()
+ int c, v;
+ char *q, *p;
+ while(1) {
+ c = inp();
+ if (c == 35) {
+ /* preprocessor: we handle only define */
+ next();
+ if (tok == TOK_DEFINE) {
+ next();
+ /* now tok is the macro symbol */
+ vat[tok] = VT_DEFINE;
+ vac[tok] = ftell(file);
+ }
+ /* ignore preprocessor or shell */
+ while (c != '\n')
+ c = inp();
+ } else if (c == '\n') {
+ /* end of line : check if we are in macro state. if so,
+ pop new file position */
+ if (macro_stack_ptr > macro_stack)
+ fseek(file, *--macro_stack_ptr, 0);
+ } else if (c != ' ' & c != 9)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (isid(c)) {
+ q = idptr;
+ idlast = q;
+ while(isid(c) | isnum(c)) {
+ *q++ = c;
+ c = inp();
+ }
+ *q++ = '\0';
+ ungetc(c, file);
+ p = idtable;
+ tok = 256;
+ while (p < idptr) {
+ if (strcmp(p, idptr) == 0)
+ break;
+ while (*p++);
+ tok++;
+ }
+ /* if not found, add symbol */
+ if (p == idptr)
+ idptr = q;
+ /* eval defines */
+ if (vat[tok] & VT_DEFINE) {
+ *macro_stack_ptr++ = ftell(file);
+ fseek(file, vac[tok], 0);
+ next();
+ }
+ } else {
+ q = "<=\236>=\235!=\225&&\240||\241++\244--\242==\224<<\340>>\370";
+ /* two chars */
+ v = inp();
+ while (*q) {
+ if (*q == c & q[1] == v) {
+ tok = q[2] & 0xff;
+ return;
+ }
+ q = q + 3;
+ }
+ ungetc(v, file);
+ /* single char substitutions */
+ if (c == '<')
+ tok = TOK_LT;
+ else if (c == '>')
+ tok = TOK_GT;
+ else
+ tok = c;
+ }
+void g(c)
+ *(char *)ind++ = c;
+void o(c)
+ while (c) {
+ g(c);
+ c = c / 256;
+ }
+/* output a symbol and patch all calls to it */
+void gsym(t)
+ int n;
+ while (t) {
+ n = *(int *)t; /* next value */
+ *(int *)t = ind - t - 4;
+ t = n;
+ }
+/* psym is used to put an instruction with a data field which is a
+ reference to a symbol. It is in fact the same as oad ! */
+#define psym oad
+/* instruction + 4 bytes data. Return the address of the data */
+int oad(c, s)
+ o(c);
+ *(int *)ind = s;
+ s = ind;
+ ind = ind + 4;
+ return s;
+/* push to value stack */
+void vset(t, v)
+ vt = t;
+ vc = v;
+/* generate a value in eax from vt and vc */
+void gv()
+#ifndef TINY
+ int t;
+ if (vt & VT_LVAL) {
+ if ((vt & VT_TYPE) == VT_BYTE)
+ o(0xbe0f); /* movsbl x, %eax */
+ else
+ o(0x8b); /* movl x,%eax */
+ if (vt & VT_CONST)
+ oad(0x05, vc);
+ else if (vt & VT_LOCAL)
+ oad(0x85, vc);
+ else
+ g(0x00);
+ } else {
+ if (vt & VT_CONST) {
+ oad(0xb8, vc); /* mov $xx, %eax */
+ } else if (vt & VT_LOCAL) {
+ oad(0x858d, vc); /* lea xxx(%ebp), %eax */
+ } else if (vt & VT_CMP) {
+ oad(0xb8, 0); /* mov $0, %eax */
+ o(0x0f); /* setxx %al */
+ o(vc);
+ o(0xc0);
+ }
+#ifndef TINY
+ else if (vt & VT_JMP) {
+ t = vt & 1;
+ oad(0xb8, t); /* mov $1, %eax */
+ oad(0xe9, 5); /* jmp after */
+ gsym(vc);
+ oad(0xb8, t ^ 1); /* mov $0, %eax */
+ }
+ }
+ vt = (vt & VT_TYPE) | VT_VAR;
+/* generate a test. set 'inv' to invert test */
+/* XXX: handle constant */
+int gtst(inv, t)
+ if (vt & VT_CMP) {
+ /* fast case : can jump directly since flags are set */
+ g(0x0f);
+ t = psym((vc - 16) ^ inv, t);
+ } else
+#ifndef TINY
+ if (vt & VT_JMP) {
+ /* && or || optimization */
+ if ((vt & 1) == inv)
+ t = vc;
+ else {
+ t = psym(0xe9, t);
+ gsym(vc);
+ }
+ } else
+ if ((vt & (VT_CONST | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST) {
+ /* constant jmp optimization */
+ if ((vc != 0) != inv)
+ t = psym(0xe9, t);
+ } else
+ {
+ gv();
+ o(0xc085); /* test %eax, %eax */
+ g(0x0f);
+ t = psym(0x85 ^ inv, t);
+ }
+ return t;
+/* return the size (in bytes) of a given type */
+int type_size(t)
+ if ((t & VT_PTRMASK) > VT_PTRINC | (t & VT_TYPE) == VT_PTRINC)
+ return 4;
+ else
+ return 1;
+#define POST_ADD 0x1000
+#define PRE_ADD 0
+/* a defines POST/PRE add. c is the token ++ or -- */
+void inc(a, c)
+#ifdef TEST
+ if (!(vt & VT_LVAL))
+ error("lvalue expected\n");
+ vt = vt & VT_LVALN;
+ gv();
+ o(0x018bc189); /* movl %eax, %ecx ; mov (%ecx), %eax */
+ o(0x408d | a); /* leal x(%eax), %eax/%edx */
+ g((c - TOK_MID) * type_size(vt));
+ o(0x0189 | a); /* mov %eax/%edx, (%ecx) */
+/* op is '-' or '+' (or 0) */
+/* t is the type of the first operand */
+/* XXX: handle ptr sub and 'int + ptr' case (only 'ptr + int' handled) */
+void gen_op(op, t)
+ gv();
+ o(0x59); /* pop %ecx */
+ if (op == '+' | op == '-') {
+ /* XXX: incorrect for short (futur!) */
+ if (type_size(t) != 1)
+ o(0x02e0c1); /* shl $2, %eax */
+ if (op == '-')
+ o(0xd8f7); /* neg %eax */
+ o(0xc801); /* add %ecx, %eax */
+ vt = t;
+ } else if (op == '&')
+ o(0xc821);
+ else if (op == '^')
+ o(0xc831);
+ else if (op == '|')
+ o(0xc809);
+ else if (op == '*')
+ o(0xc1af0f); /* imul %ecx, %eax */
+ else if (op == TOK_SHL | op == TOK_SHR) {
+ o(0xd391); /* xchg %ecx, %eax, shl/sar %cl, %eax */
+ o(op);
+ } else if (op == '/' | op == '%') {
+ o(0xd231); /* xor %edx, %edx */
+ o(0xf9f791); /* xchg %ecx, %eax, idiv %ecx, %eax */
+ if (op == '%')
+ o(0x92); /* xchg %edx, %eax */
+ } else {
+ o(0xc139); /* cmp %eax,%ecx */
+ vset(VT_CMP, op);
+ }
+/* return 0 if no type declaration. otherwise, return the basic type
+ and skip it.
+ XXX: A '2' is ored to ensure non zero return if int type.
+ */
+int ist()
+ int t;
+ if (tok == TOK_INT | tok == TOK_CHAR | tok == TOK_VOID) {
+ t = tok;
+ next();
+ return (t != TOK_INT) | 2;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+/* Read a type declaration (except basic type), and return the
+ type. If v is true, then also put variable name in 'vc' */
+int typ(v,t)
+ int u, p, n;
+ t = t & -3; /* suppress the ored '2' */
+ while (tok == '*') {
+ next();
+ t = t + VT_PTRINC;
+ }
+ /* recursive type */
+ /* XXX: incorrect if abstract type for functions (e.g. 'int ()') */
+ if (tok == '(') {
+ next();
+ u = typ(v, 0);
+ skip(')');
+ } else {
+ u = 0;
+ /* type identifier */
+ if (v) {
+ vc = tok;
+ next();
+ }
+ }
+ /* function declaration */
+ if (tok == '(') {
+ next();
+ p = 4;
+ n = vc; /* must save vc there */
+ while (tok != ')') {
+ /* read param name and compute offset */
+ if (t = ist())
+ t = typ(1, t); /* XXX: should accept both arg/non arg if v == 0 */
+ else {
+ vc = tok;
+ t = 0;
+ next();
+ }
+ p = p + 4;
+ vat[vc] = VT_LOCAL | VT_LVAL | t;
+ vac[vc] = p;
+ if (tok == ',')
+ next();
+ }
+ next(); /* skip ')' */
+ vc = n;
+ if (u)
+ t = u + VT_BYTE;
+ else
+ t = t | VT_FUNC;
+ }
+ return t;
+int getq(n)
+ int c;
+ if (n == '\\') {
+ n = inp();
+ if (n == 'n')
+ n = '\n';
+ else if (isnum(n)) {
+ c = 0;
+ while (isnum(n)) {
+ c = c * 8 + n - '0';
+ n = inp();
+ }
+ ungetc(n, file);
+ return c;
+ }
+ }
+ return n;
+void unary()
+ int n, t, ft, fc, p;
+ if (isnum(tok)) {
+ /* number */
+ n = 0;
+ while (isnum(tok)) {
+ n = n * 10 + tok - '0';
+ next();
+ }
+ vset(VT_CONST, n);
+ } else if (tok == '\'') {
+ vset(VT_CONST, getq(inp()));
+ next(); /* skip char */
+ skip('\'');
+ } else if (tok == '\"') {
+ vset(VT_CONST | VT_PTRINC | VT_BYTE, glo);
+ while((n = inp()) != 34) {
+ *(char *)glo = getq(n);
+ glo++;
+ }
+ *(char *)glo = 0;
+ glo = (glo + 4) & -4; /* align heap */
+ next();
+ } else {
+ t = tok;
+ next();
+ if (t == '(') {
+ /* cast ? */
+ if (t = ist()) {
+ ft = typ(0, t);
+ skip(')');
+ unary();
+ vt = (vt & VT_TYPEN) | ft;
+ } else {
+ expr();
+ skip(')');
+ }
+ } else if (t == '*') {
+ unary();
+ if (vt & VT_LVAL)
+ gv();
+#ifdef TEST
+ if (!(vt & VT_PTRMASK))
+ error("pointer expected");
+ vt = (vt - VT_PTRINC) | VT_LVAL;
+ } else if (t == '&') {
+ unary();
+#ifdef TEST
+ if (!(vt & VT_LVAL))
+ error("lvalue expected");
+ vt = vt & VT_LVALN;
+ vt = vt + VT_PTRINC;
+ } else
+#ifndef TINY
+ if (t == '!') {
+ unary();
+ if (vt & VT_CMP)
+ vc = vc ^ 1;
+ else
+ vset(VT_JMP, gtst(1, 0));
+ } else
+ if (t == '~') {
+ unary();
+ if ((vt & (VT_CONST | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST)
+ vc = ~vc;
+ else {
+ gv();
+ o(0xd0f7);
+ }
+ } else
+ if (t == TOK_INC | t == TOK_DEC) {
+ unary();
+ inc(PRE_ADD, t);
+ } else if (t == '-') {
+ unary();
+ if ((vt & (VT_CONST | VT_LVAL)) == VT_CONST)
+ vc = -vc;
+ else {
+ gv();
+ o(0xd8f7); /* neg %eax */
+ }
+ } else if (t == '+') {
+ unary();
+ } else {
+ vset(vat[t], vac[t]);
+ /* forward reference or external reference ? */
+ if (vt == 0) {
+ n = dlsym(0, idlast);
+ if (n == 0)
+ vset(VT_CONST | VT_FORWARD | VT_LVAL, vac + t);
+ else
+ vset(VT_CONST | VT_LVAL, n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* post operations */
+ if (tok == TOK_INC | tok == TOK_DEC) {
+ inc(POST_ADD, tok);
+ next();
+ } else
+ if (tok == '[') {
+#ifdef TEST
+ if (!(vt & VT_PTRMASK))
+ error("pointer expected");
+ gv();
+ ft = vt;
+ fc = vc;
+ next();
+ o(0x50); /* push %eax */
+ expr();
+ gen_op('+', ft);
+ /* dereference pointer */
+ vt = (ft - VT_PTRINC) | VT_LVAL;
+ vc = fc;
+ skip(']');
+ } else
+ if (tok == '(') {
+ /* function call */
+ /* lvalue is implied */
+ vt = vt & VT_LVALN;
+ if ((vt & VT_CONST) == 0) {
+ /* evaluate function address */
+ gv();
+ o(0x50); /* push %eax */
+ }
+ ft = vt;
+ fc = vc;
+ next();
+ t = 0;
+ while (tok != ')') {
+ t = t + 4;
+ expr();
+ gv();
+ o(0x50); /* push %eax */
+ if (tok == ',')
+ next();
+ }
+ skip(')');
+ /* horrible, but needed : convert to native ordering (could
+ parse parameters in reverse order, but would cost more
+ code) */
+ n = 0;
+ p = t - 4;
+ while (n < p) {
+ oad(0x24848b, p); /* mov x(%esp,1), %eax */
+ oad(0x248487, n); /* xchg x(%esp,1), %eax */
+ oad(0x248489, p); /* mov %eax, x(%esp,1) */
+ n = n + 4;
+ p = p - 4;
+ }
+ if (ft & VT_CONST) {
+ /* forward reference */
+ if (ft & VT_FORWARD)
+ *(int *)fc = psym(0xe8, *(int *)fc);
+ else
+ oad(0xe8, fc - ind - 5);
+ } else {
+ oad(0x2494ff, t); /* call *xxx(%esp) */
+ t = t + 4;
+ }
+ if (t)
+ oad(0xc481, t);
+ /* return value is variable */
+ vt = VT_VAR;
+ }
+void uneq()
+ int ft, fc, b;
+ unary();
+ if (tok == '=') {
+#ifdef TEST
+ if (!(vt & VT_LVAL))
+ error("lvalue expected");
+ next();
+ fc = vc;
+ ft = vt;
+ b = (vt & VT_TYPE) == VT_BYTE;
+ if (ft & VT_VAR)
+ o(0x50); /* push %eax */
+ expr();
+#ifdef TEST
+ if ((vt & VT_PTRMASK) != (ft & VT_PTRMASK))
+ warning("incompatible type");
+ gv(); /* generate value */
+ if (ft & VT_VAR) {
+ o(0x59); /* pop %ecx */
+ o(0x0189 - b); /* mov %eax/%al, (%ecx) */
+ } else {
+ if (ft & VT_LOCAL)
+ oad(0x8589 - b, fc); /* mov %eax/%al,xxx(%ebp) */
+ else
+ oad(0xa3 - b, fc); /* mov %eax/%al,xxx */
+ }
+ }
+void sum(l)
+ int op, t;
+ if (l == 0)
+ uneq();
+ else {
+ l--;
+ sum(l);
+ while (1) {
+ op = tok;
+ if ((l == 0 & op != '*' & op != '/' & op != '%') |
+ (l == 1 & op != '+' & op != '-') |
+ (l == 2 & op != TOK_SHL & op != TOK_SHR) |
+ (l == 3 & (op < TOK_LT | op > TOK_GT)) |
+ (l == 4 & op != TOK_EQ & op != TOK_NE) |
+ (l == 5 & op != '&') |
+ (l == 6 & op != '^') |
+ (l == 7 & op != '|'))
+ break;
+ gv();
+ t = vt;
+ o(0x50); /* push %eax */
+ next();
+ sum(l);
+ gen_op(op, t);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef TINY
+void expr()
+ sum(8);
+void eand()
+ int t;
+ sum(8);
+ t = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ if (tok != TOK_LAND) {
+ if (t) {
+ t = gtst(1, t);
+ vset(VT_JMP | 1, t);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ t = gtst(1, t);
+ next();
+ sum(8);
+ }
+void expr()
+ int t, u;
+ eand();
+ t = 0;
+ while (1) {
+ if (tok != TOK_LOR) {
+ if (t) {
+ t = gtst(0, t);
+ vset(VT_JMP, t);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ t = gtst(0, t);
+ next();
+ eand();
+ }
+void block()
+ int a, c, d;
+ if (tok == TOK_IF) {
+ /* if test */
+ next();
+ skip('(');
+ expr();
+ skip(')');
+ a = gtst(1, 0);
+ block();
+ c = tok;
+ if (c == TOK_ELSE) {
+ next();
+ d = psym(0xe9, 0); /* jmp */
+ gsym(a);
+ block();
+ gsym(d); /* patch else jmp */
+ } else
+ gsym(a);
+ } else if (tok == TOK_WHILE) {
+ next();
+ d = ind;
+ skip('(');
+ expr();
+ skip(')');
+ *++lsym = gtst(1, 0);
+ block();
+ oad(0xe9, d - ind - 5); /* jmp */
+ gsym(*lsym--);
+ } else if (tok == '{') {
+ next();
+ /* declarations */
+ decl(VT_LOCAL);
+ while (tok != '}')
+ block();
+ next();
+ } else if (tok == TOK_RETURN) {
+ next();
+ if (tok != ';') {
+ expr();
+ gv();
+ }
+ skip(';');
+ rsym = psym(0xe9, rsym); /* jmp */
+ } else if (tok == TOK_BREAK) {
+ /* compute jump */
+ *lsym = psym(0xe9, *lsym);
+ next();
+ skip(';');
+ } else {
+ if (tok != ';')
+ expr();
+ skip(';');
+ }
+/* 'l' is true if local declarations */
+void decl(l)
+ int *a, t, b;
+ while (b = ist()) {
+ while (1) { /* iterate thru each declaration */
+ vt = typ(1, b);
+ if (tok == '{') {
+ /* patch forward references (XXX: does not work for
+ function pointers) */
+ if (vat[vc] == 0)
+ gsym(vac[vc]);
+ /* put function address */
+ vat[vc] = VT_CONST | VT_LVAL | vt;
+ vac[vc] = ind;
+ loc = 0;
+ o(0xe58955); /* push %ebp, mov %esp, %ebp */
+ a = oad(0xec81, 0); /* sub $xxx, %esp */
+ rsym = 0;
+ block();
+ gsym(rsym);
+ o(0xc3c9); /* leave, ret */
+ *a = loc; /* save local variables */
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* variable */
+ vat[vc] = l | VT_LVAL | vt;
+ if (l == VT_LOCAL) {
+ loc = loc + 4;
+ vac[vc] = -loc;
+ } else {
+ vac[vc] = glo;
+ glo = glo + 4;
+ }
+ if (tok != ',') {
+ skip(';');
+ break;
+ }
+ next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+int main(int c, char **v)
+ int (*t)();
+ if (c < 2) {
+ printf("usage: tc src\n");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ v++;
+ file = fopen(*v, "r");
+ idtable = malloc(SYM_TABLE_SIZE);
+ memcpy(idtable,
+ "int\0void\0char\0if\0else\0while\0break\0return\0define\0main", 53);
+ idptr = idtable + 53;
+ glo = malloc(DATA_SIZE);
+ prog = malloc(TEXT_SIZE);
+ vac = malloc(VAR_TABLE_SIZE);
+ vat = malloc(VAR_TABLE_SIZE);
+ lsym = malloc(256);
+ macro_stack = malloc(256);
+ macro_stack_ptr = macro_stack;
+ ind = prog;
+ next();
+ decl(VT_CONST);
+#ifdef TEST
+ {
+ FILE *f;
+ f = fopen(v[1], "w");
+ fwrite((void *)prog, 1, ind - prog, f);
+ fclose(f);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ t = vac[TOK_MAIN];
+ return (*t)(c - 1, v);