version: '{branch}-{build}' # build Configuration configuration: Release # clone directory clone_folder: c:\stellarium # set clone depth clone_depth: 10 # Do not build feature branch with open Pull Requests skip_branch_with_pr: true # Do not build on tags skip_tags: true # Skipping commits skip_commits: message: /(GHA|skip)/ author: /transifex/ files: - guide/* # Maximum number of concurrent jobs for the project max_jobs: 5 # environment variables environment: matrix: - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2019 qtver: 6.5 qtbin: msvc2019_64 msvcname: Visual Studio 16 2019 cmake_args: -A x64 exiv2url: exiv2baseName: exiv2-0.28.0-2019msvc64 - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 qtver: 5.12 qtbin: msvc2017_64 msvcname: Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64 cmake_args: exiv2url: exiv2baseName: exiv2-0.28.0-2017msvc64 - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2017 qtver: 5.12 qtbin: msvc2017 msvcname: Visual Studio 15 2017 cmake_args: exiv2url: exiv2baseName: exiv2-0.28.0-2017msvc32 - APPVEYOR_BUILD_WORKER_IMAGE: Visual Studio 2022 qtver: 6.5 qtbin: msvc2019_arm64 msvcname: Visual Studio 17 2022 cmake_args: -A ARM64 -DSTELLARIUM_BUILD_ARM64=ON -DQT_HOST_PATH=C:/Qt/6.5/msvc2019_64 -DQt6LinguistTools_DIR=C:/Qt/6.5/msvc2019_64/lib/cmake/Qt6LinguistTools -DENABLE_QTWEBENGINE=OFF before_build: - ps: if($env:qtbin.contains('_64')) { $env:BITS=64 } else { $env:BITS=32 } - ps: if($env:qtbin.contains('_64')) { $env:PKGARCH="x64" } else { $env:PKGARCH="x86" } - ps: if($env:qtver.startsWith('6.')) { $env:SSL="OpenSSL-" } else { $env:SSL="OpenSSL-1-" } - set PUBLISH_BINARY=false - set USE_EXT_LIBGLES=false - set SIGNING=false - set INNSPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5;C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 6 - set PATH=C:\Qt\%qtver%\%qtbin%\bin;c:\%exiv2baseName%\bin;%INNSPATH%;%PATH% - ps: if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "stellarium-next") { $env:PUBLISH_BINARY = 'true' } - ps: if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "stellarium-stable") { $env:PUBLISH_BINARY = 'true' } - ps: if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "stellarium-oldstable") { $env:PUBLISH_BINARY = 'true' } - ps: if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE.contains('[publish]')) { $env:PUBLISH_BINARY = 'true' } - ps: if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "stellarium-next" -or $env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE.contains('[publish]')) { $env:USE_EXTRA_EXE = 'true' } else { $env:USE_EXTRA_EXE = 'false' } - ps: if($env:PUBLISH_BINARY -eq "true" -and $env:qtver.startsWith('5.')) { $env:USE_EXT_LIBGLES = 'true' } - ps: if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "stellarium-stable" -and $env:qtver.startsWith('6.')) { $env:SIGNING = 'true' } - ps: if($env:APPVEYOR_REPO_BRANCH -eq "stellarium-oldstable" -and $env:qtver.startsWith('5.')) { $env:SIGNING = 'true' } - ps: if($env:exiv2url -ne $null) { appveyor DownloadFile $env:exiv2url -FileName c:\$ } - ps: if($env:exiv2url -ne $null) { 7z e c:\$ -spf -oc:\ } - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] appveyor DownloadFile -FileName c:\stellarium\guide\guide.pdf - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] mkdir c:\stellarium-OpenSSL - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] set PATH=C:\stellarium-OpenSSL;%PATH% - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] appveyor DownloadFile -FileName c:\ - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] 7z e c:\ -aoa -oc:\stellarium-OpenSSL - mkdir stellarium-%qtver%-%qtbin% - cd c:\stellarium - mkdir build-%qtver%-%qtbin% && cd build-%qtver%-%qtbin% - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\%exiv2baseName% -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\stellarium-%qtver%-%qtbin% -G "%msvcname%" %cmake_args% .. - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[false] cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=c:\%exiv2baseName% -DENABLE_TESTING=On -DENABLE_NLS=Off -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\stellarium-%qtver%-%qtbin% -G "%msvcname%" %cmake_args% .. build: project: c:\stellarium\build-%qtver%-%qtbin%\Stellarium.sln parallel: true verbosity: minimal test_script: - ps: if($env:PUBLISH_BINARY -eq "false" -and $env:qtbin -ne "msvc2019_arm64") { ctest --output-on-failure } after_test: - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] cmake --build c:\stellarium\build-%qtver%-%qtbin%\ --config %configuration% --target install - if [%USE_EXT_LIBGLES%]==[true] appveyor DownloadFile -FileName c:\stellarium\build-%qtver%-%qtbin%\ - if [%USE_EXT_LIBGLES%]==[true] 7z e c:\stellarium\build-%qtver%-%qtbin%\ -aoa -oc:\stellarium-%qtver%-%qtbin%\qtstuff - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] appveyor DownloadFile -FileName c:\stellarium-%qtver%-%qtbin%\qtstuff\opengl32sw.dll - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] if NOT [%exiv2url%] == [] copy c:\%exiv2baseName%\bin\exiv2.dll c:\stellarium-%qtver%-%qtbin%\bin\ - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] cmake --build c:\stellarium\build-%qtver%-%qtbin%\ --config %configuration% --target stellarium-installer - if [%USE_EXTRA_EXE%]==[true] cmake --build c:\stellarium\build-%qtver%-%qtbin%\ --config %configuration% --target stellarium-patch-installer - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] cd c:\stellarium\installers - if [%PUBLISH_BINARY%]==[true] for %%i in (*.exe) do appveyor PushArtifact %%i # deployment deploy: - provider: Webhook url: authorization: secure: k9Hka8MA6UONiSbKZeAv5koMEljPXgEZ7o1FbvEHRlPFFHMGzQcS6MQsvy53VxeTpG4Kw98FU0VXusbXoKLzug== on: SIGNING: true notifications: - provider: Email to: - on_build_success: false on_build_failure: true on_build_status_changed: true