diff options
authorRobin Randhawa <>2021-07-16 11:17:28 +0100
committerRobin Randhawa <>2021-07-16 12:41:50 +0100
commitebec961fb403045651137d719a5b4bedc60c15eb (patch)
parentab5052d7ab2450d8f534db5d67f323987091c4b5 (diff)
aarch64: Basic build rule for the qemu-system-aarch64 virt platform
Hard-wired to this platform for the moment. A better ARCH/PLATFORM separation story can be added later once things are verified OK for the virt platform.
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mk/ b/mk/
index 597e504..142a2e0 100644
--- a/mk/
+++ b/mk/
@@ -152,3 +152,24 @@ qemu_extra: build/extra.bin
qemu_nvme_extra: build/extra.bin
-drive file=build/extra.bin,format=raw,if=none,id=drv1 -device nvme,drive=drv1,serial=NVME_EXTRA
+qemu_aarch64_virt: build/u-boot.bin build/kernel.uimage
+ -bios $<
+# Needed so build/u-boot.bin doesn't pass along ARCH to the sub-make. If ARCH is set that breaks the u-boot build.
+QEMU_AARCH64_VIRT_FLAGS := -M virt -cpu cortex-a57 -m 2048 -nographic -device loader,file=build/kernel.uimage,addr=0x41000000,force-raw=on
+build/u-boot.bin: bootloader-uboot
+ $(MAKE) CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -C $< clean
+ $(MAKE) CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -C $< qemu_arm64_defconfig
+ sed -i 's/^CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND.*$$/CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND="bootm 41000000 - $${fdtcontroladdr}"/g' $</.config
+ sed -i 's/^CONFIG_BOOTDELAY.*$$/CONFIG_BOOTDELAY=0/g' $</.config
+ $(MAKE) CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu- -C $< -j `$(NPROC)`
+ mkdir -p build
+ cp $</u-boot.bin $@
+build/kernel.uimage: build/kernel
+ mkimage -A arm64 -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x40000000 -e 0x40001000 -n 'Redox kernel (qemu AArch64 virt)' -d $< $@