AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2024-02-09Use User.full_nickname/1 in oauth html templatemarcin mikołajczak
Signed-off-by: marcin mikołajczak <>
2024-02-07Merge branch 'rich-media-tests' into 'develop'feld
Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser: Remove test-specific codepaths See merge request pleroma/pleroma!4053
2024-02-06RichMedia.Helpers: move the validate_page_url/1 function to the Parser moduleMark Felder
This will ensure that the page validation happens in Parser.parse/1 so it can be called from anywhere and still filter invalid URLs.
2024-02-06Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parser: Remove test-specific codepathsMark Felder
Also consolidate Tesla mocks into the HttpRequestMock module. Tests were not exercising the real codepaths. The Rich Media Preview only works with https, but most of these tests were only mocking http.
2024-02-05Merge branch 'rich-media-cache' into 'develop'feld
Fix Rich Media Previews for updated activities See merge request pleroma/pleroma!4052
2024-02-05Ensure URLs with IP addresses for the host do not generate previewsMark Felder
2024-02-04URI.authority is deprecatedMark Felder
2024-02-04Fix Rich Media Previews for updated activitiesMark Felder
The Rich Media Previews were not regenerated when a post was updated due to a cache invalidation issue. They are now cached by the activity id so they can be evicted with the other activity cache objects in the :scrubber_cache.
2024-02-04Merge branch 'dialyzer-fixes' into 'develop'feld
Dialyzer and gradient fixes See merge request pleroma/pleroma!4051
2024-02-02ChangelogMark Felder
2024-02-02Pleroma.Filter: fix gradient errorMark Felder
lib/pleroma/filter.ex: The clause on line 220 cannot be reached
2024-02-02Pleroma.Config.DeprecationWarnings: fix gradient errorsMark Felder
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 292 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The function call move_namespace_and_warn( [ {Pleroma.ActivityExpiration, Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity, " * `config :pleroma, Pleroma.ActivityExpiration` is now `config :pleroma, Pleroma.Workers.PurgeExpiredActivity`"} ], warning_preface ) on line 350 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :ok | nil | :error lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The function call move_namespace_and_warn( [ {Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp, Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp, " * `config :pleroma, Pleroma.Plugs.RemoteIp` is now `config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RemoteIp`"} ], warning_preface ) on line 366 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :ok | nil | :error lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 390 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 413 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
2024-02-02Pleroma.Emoji.Pack: fix gradient errorMark Felder
lib/pleroma/emoji/pack.ex: The tuple {:cwd, tmp_dir} on line 103 is expected to have type :cooked | :keep_old_files | :memory | :verbose | {:cwd, list(char())} | {:file_filter, (record(:zip_file) -> boolean())} | {:file_list, list(} but it has type {:cwd, binary()}
2024-02-02Pleroma Emoji mix task: fix gradient errorMark Felder
lib/mix/tasks/pleroma/emoji.ex: The tuple {:cwd, pack_path} on line 114 is expected to have type :cooked | :keep_old_files | :memory | :verbose | {:cwd, list(char())} | {:file_filter, (record(:zip_file) -> boolean())} | {:file_list, list(} but it has type {:cwd, binary()}
2024-02-02Pleroma.HTTP.RequestBuilder: fix gradient errorMark Felder
lib/pleroma/http/request_builder.ex: The variable key on line 69 is expected to have type String.t() but it has type atom()
2024-02-02Pleroma.MFA: fix gradient errorMark Felder
lib/pleroma/mfa.ex: The map %{error: msg} on line 80 is expected to have type {:ok, list(binary())} | {:error, String.t()} but it has type %{required(:error) => any()}
2024-02-02Pleroma.MFA.Totp.provisioning_uri/3: add @specMark Felder
2024-01-31Pleroma.Config.DeprecationWarnings: fix type errors detected by gradientMark Felder
lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 278 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 292 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 390 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error lib/pleroma/config/deprecation_warnings.ex: The atom :error on line 413 is expected to have type :ok | nil but it has type :error
2024-01-31Fix dialyzer errors due to deprecated usage of put_layout/2Mark Felder
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.Plugs.RateLimiter.Supervisor: dialyzer errorMark Felder
lib/pleroma/web/plugs/rate_limiter/supervisor.ex:12:no_return Function init/1 has no local return.
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.OAuth.OAuthController: dialyzer errorMark Felder
validate_scopes/2 can never receive a map as it is only called in one place with a guard requiring a list lib/pleroma/web/o_auth/o_auth_controller.ex:615:guard_fail The guard test: is_map(_params :: maybe_improper_list()) can never succeed.
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.MascotController: fix dialyzer error due to bad error ↵Mark Felder
match lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/mascot_controller.ex:37:pattern_match The pattern can never match the type. Pattern: {:content_type, _} Type: {:error, _} ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/mascot_controller.ex:40:pattern_match The pattern can never match the type. Pattern: {:upload, {:error, _}} Type: {:error, _}
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.SearchController: fix dialyzer errorsMark Felder
Add a separate Pagination.paginate_list/2 function instead of overloading paginate/4 and complicating its matching and @spec
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper: fix @spec to resolve dialyzer errorsMark Felder
lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:333:no_return Function index/2 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:357:unused_fun Function maybe_parse_filters/1 will never be called. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:366:no_return Function page_params/1 has no local return. ________________________________________________________________________________ lib/pleroma/web/admin_api/controllers/user_controller.ex:368:call The function call will not succeed. Pleroma.Web.ControllerHelper.fetch_integer_param(_params :: any(), :page, 1) breaks the contract (map(), String.t(), integer() | nil) :: integer() | nil
2024-01-31Merge branch 'dialyzer-fixes' into 'develop'feld
More dialyzer fixes See merge request pleroma/pleroma!4050
2024-01-31ChangelogMark Felder
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.TwitterAPI.UtilController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.StatusController: fix dialzyer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-31MascotController dialyzer errorMark Felder
lib/pleroma/web/pleroma_api/controllers/mascot_controller.ex:31:call The function call will not succeed. Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ActivityPub.upload(_file :: atom() | %{:content_type => _, _ => _}, [{:actor, <<_::56, _::size(8)>>}, ...]) :: :ok def a() do :ok end will never return since the 2nd arguments differ from the success typing arguments: (any(), [ {:activity_type | :description | :filters | :size_limit | :type | :uploader, atom() | binary() | [atom()] | non_neg_integer()} ])
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.UserImportController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.NotificationController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.MascotController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiPackController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.EmojiFileController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-31Pleroma.Web.PleromaAPI.ChatController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.SearchController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ScheduledActivityController: fix dialyzer errors ↵Mark Felder
with replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.PollController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.NotificationController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.MediaController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.ListController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.FollowRequestController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.UserController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.ReportController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.RelayController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.MediaProxyCacheController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.InviteController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.InstanceDocumentController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Pleroma.Web.AdminAPI.ConfigController: fix dialyzer errors with ↵Mark Felder
replace_params: false
2024-01-30Phoenix.Endpoint.Cowboy2Handler does not existMark Felder
This should have always failed as it would not be an existing atom. Unclear how it worked since the upgrade to Phoenix 1.6.