AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-07-12CI: cycles: Use current stable elixir imageshrink-ciHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2022-07-12CI: template for change policies based on build stageHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2022-07-11CI: Run stages when .gitlab-ci.yml changesHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2022-07-11CI: Run lint and cycles in alpineHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2022-07-11CI: Run postgres services in alpineHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2022-07-04Merge branch 'from/upstream-develop/tusooa/report-too-long' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Fix long report notes giving errors on creation See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3679
2022-07-03Merge branch 'fix/eblurhash-binaries' into 'develop'Haelwenn
mix: update eblurhash to 1.2.2 See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3686
2022-07-03Merge branch 'indexing-hotspots' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Add index hotspots See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3664
2022-07-03Merge branch 'image_description_from_exif_data' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Use EXIF data of image for image description See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3535
2022-07-03Merge branch 'bugfix/mime-validation-no-list' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Bugfix: Validate mediaType only by it's format See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3597
2022-07-03Merge branch 'from/upstream-develop/tusooa/server-announcements' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Server announcements (1st pass) See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3643
2022-07-02mix: update eblurhash to 1.2.2Hélène
Previous eblurhash versions bundled precompiled binaries which caused issues on non-Darwin operating systems.
2022-07-01Descriptions from exif data with only whitespeces are considered emptyIlja
I noticed that pictures taken with Ubuntu-Touch have whitespace in one of the fields This should just be ignored imo
2022-07-01update moduledocIlja
2022-07-01Change test picturesIlja
The previous pictures were labeled as public domain, but are actually a collage of pictures under other licenses. I now replaced them with a jpeg of simply a white pixel.
2022-07-01Add option to docs about instance genIlja
2022-07-01Better way of getting keysIlja
I used keyword_list[:key], but if the key doesn't exist, it will return nil. I actually expect a list and further down the code I use that list. I believe the key should always be present, but in case it's not, it's better to return an empty list instead of nil. That way the code wont fail further down the line.
2022-07-01Migration failed when no value for Pleroma.Upload was setIlja
2022-07-01Migration for exiftool filterIlja
Rename to Exiftool.StripLocation
2022-07-01Add deprecation warningsIlja
2022-07-01Rename the Exiftool moduleIlja
No migrations or checks yet
2022-07-01Rename the new moduleIlja
2022-07-01Use EXIF data of image to prefill image descriptionIlja
During attachment upload Pleroma returns a "description" field. Pleroma-fe has an MR to use that to pre-fill the image description field, <> * This MR allows Pleroma to read the EXIF data during upload and return the description to the FE * If a description is already present (e.g. because a previous module added it), it will use that * Otherwise it will read from the EXIF data. First it will check -ImageDescription, if that's empty, it will check -iptc:Caption-Abstract * If no description is found, it will simply return nil, just like before * When people set up a new instance, they will be asked if they want to read metadata and this module will be activated if so This was taken from an MR i did on Pleroma and isn't finished yet.
2022-06-06Merge branch 'hackney_reenable_TLSv1.3' into 'develop'lain
hackney adapter helper: enable TLSv1.3 See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3661
2022-06-02Fix long report notes giving errors on creationTusooa Zhu
2022-05-31Add tlsv1.3 to suggestionsPierre-Louis Bonicoli
2022-05-31hackney adapter helper & reverse proxy client: enable TLSv1.3Pierre-Louis Bonicoli
The list of TLS versions was added by 8bd2b6eb138ace3408a03c78ecc339fc35b19f10 when hackney version was pinned to 1.15.2. Later hackney version was upgraded (166455c88441b22455d996ed528ed4804514a3c0) but the list of TLS versions wasn't removed. From the hackney point of view, this list has been replaced by the OTP defaults since 0.16.0 (734694ea4e24f267864c459a2f050e943adc6694). It looks like the same issue already occurred before: 0cb7b0ea8477bdd7af2e5e9071843be5b8623dff. A way to test this issue (where is an ActivityPub site which uses TLSv1.3 only): $ PLEROMA_CONFIG_PATH=/path/to/config.exs pleroma start_iex Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe] Interactive Elixir (1.10.4) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help) iex(pleroma@> Pleroma.Object.Fetcher.fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id("") {:error, {:tls_alert, {:protocol_version, 'TLS client: In state hello received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Protocol Version\n'}}} With this patch, the output is the expected one: iex(pleroma@> Pleroma.Object.Fetcher.fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id("") {:error, {:ok, %{ "@context" => [ "", "", %{ "Emoji" => "toot:Emoji", "Hashtag" => "as:Hashtag", "atomUri" => "ostatus:atomUri", "conversation" => "ostatus:conversation", "featured" => "toot:featured", "focalPoint" => %{"@container" => "@list", "@id" => "toot:focalPoint"}, "inReplyToAtomUri" => "ostatus:inReplyToAtomUri", "manuallyApprovesFollowers" => "as:manuallyApprovesFollowers", "movedTo" => "as:movedTo", "ostatus" => "", "sensitive" => "as:sensitive", "toot" => "" } ], "endpoints" => %{"sharedInbox" => ""}, "followers" => "", "following" => nil, "icon" => %{ "type" => "Image", "url" => "[...].png" }, "id" => "", "inbox" => "", "liked" => nil, "name" => "Nick", "outbox" => "", "preferredUsername" => "Nick", "publicKey" => %{ "id" => "", "owner" => "", "publicKeyPem" => "[...] }, "summary" => "", "type" => "Person", "url" => "" }} A way to test the reverse proxy bits of this issue (where allows TLSv1.3 only): iex(pleroma@> Pleroma.ReverseProxy.Client.Hackney.request("GET", "", [], []) {:error, {:tls_alert, {:protocol_version, 'TLS client: In state hello received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Protocol Version\n'}}}
2022-05-22Merge branch 'lewdthewides-develop-patch-48691' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Instruct users to run 'git pull' as the pleroma user See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3667
2022-05-19Merge branch 'fix/mrf-steal-emoji-regex' into 'develop'lain
StealEmojiPolicy: fix String rejected_shortcodes See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3673
2022-05-18StealEmojiPolicy: fix String rejected_shortcodesHélène
* rejected_shortcodes is defined as a list of strings in the configuration description. As such, database-based configuration was led to handle those settings as strings, and not as the actually expected type, Regex. * This caused each message passing through this MRF, if a rejected shortcode was set and the emoji did not exist already on the instance, to fail federating, as an exception was raised, swiftly caught and mostly silenced. * This commit fixes the issue by introducing new behavior: strings are now handled as perfect matches for an emoji shortcode (meaning that if the emoji-to-be-pulled's shortcode is in the blacklist, it will be rejected), while still supporting Regex types as before.
2022-05-12Instruct users to run 'git pull' as the pleroma userlewdthewides
2022-05-08Merge branch 'improve_anti_followbot_policy' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Also use actor_type to determine if an account is a bot in antiFollowbotPolicy Closes #2561 See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3498
2022-05-08Also use actor_type to determine if an account is a bot in antiFollowbotPolicyIlja
2022-05-06Add index hotspotsPete
2022-05-06Merge branch 'security/2.4.3-develop' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Merge back 2.4.3 See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3663
2022-05-06mix: Bump to 2.4.52 for 2.4.3 mergebackHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2022-05-06Skip cache when /objects or /activities is authenticatedTusooa Zhu
Ref: fix-local-public
2022-05-06Allow to skip cache in Cache plugTusooa Zhu
Ref: fix-local-public
2022-05-06update sweet_xml [Security]Ilja
2022-04-18Merge branch 'from/upstream-develop/tusooa/fix-en-fallback' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Fix incorrect fallback when English is set to first language See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3656
2022-04-17Fix incorrect fallback when English is set to first languageTusooa Zhu
2022-04-05Merge branch 'fix_eratic_test_for_report_notes' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Fix eratic test for POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/notes See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3653
2022-04-05Fix eratic test for POST /api/pleroma/admin/reports/:id/notesIlja
It retrieved two ReportNotes and then checked one of them. But the order isn't guaranteed, while the test tested on the content of the first ReportNote. I made the test on the content more generic
2022-04-02Restrict mastodon api announcements to logged-in users onlyTusooa Zhu
2022-03-20Merge branch 'from/upstream-develop/tusooa/translate-pages' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Translate backend-rendered pages See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3634
2022-03-20Merge branch 'caddyfile-v2' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Update Caddyfile to Caddy v2 Closes #2764 See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3641
2022-03-20Merge branch 'delete_report_notifs_when_demoting_from_superuser' into 'develop'Haelwenn
Delete report notifs when demoting from superuser Closes #2840 See merge request pleroma/pleroma!3642
2022-03-18Use utc_datetime in db schemaTusooa Zhu
2022-03-17Transmogrifier: Use validating regex for "mediaType"bugfix/mime-validation-no-listHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2022-03-17AttachmentValidator: Use custom ecto type and regex for "mediaType"Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier