AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-08-14mix: bump version to 1.0.6release/1.0.6Ariadne Conill
2019-08-14Apply suggestion to lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/publisher.exkaniini
2019-08-14activitypub: publisher: add (request-target) to http signature when POSTingAriadne Conill
2019-08-14MRF: fix up unserializable option lists in describe implementationsAriadne Conill
2019-08-14Switch to pre-1.8 version of tzdata.rinpatch
tzdata 1.0.0 requires Elixir 1.8.0, but we target 1.7. Fortunately tzdata issues bugfix releases for pre-1.8.0 version.
2019-08-14Merge branch 'release/1.0.5' into 'master'v1.0.5kaniini
1.0.5 release See merge request pleroma/pleroma!1549
2019-08-14mix: update version to 1.0.5release/1.0.5Ariadne Conill
2019-08-14Apply suggestion to CHANGELOG.mdIvan Tashkinov
2019-08-14[#161] Refactoring, documentation.Ivan Tashkinov
2019-08-14[#161] Limited replies depth on incoming federation in order to prevent ↵Ivan Tashkinov
memory leaks on recursive replies fetching.
2019-08-14Apply suggestion to docs/config.mdIvan Tashkinov
2019-08-14update changelog to cover MRF describe API.Ariadne Conill
2019-08-14docs tweakAriadne Conill
2019-08-14mrf_vocabulary: add describe API supportAriadne Conill
2019-08-14update changelog for mrf_vocabularyAriadne Conill
2019-08-14tests: add tests for mrf_vocabularyAriadne Conill
2019-08-14docs: document mrf_vocabulary module settingsAriadne Conill
2019-08-14MRF: add vocabulary policy moduleAriadne Conill
2019-08-14fix credoAriadne Conill
2019-08-14tests: fix up nodeinfo testsAriadne Conill
2019-08-14tests: add tests for MRF.describe()Ariadne Conill
2019-08-14nodeinfo: use MRF.describe() instead of hardcoded MRF transparency stuffAriadne Conill
2019-08-14MRF: add describe() to all modules, add base MRF configuration to base ↵Ariadne Conill
2019-08-14test: add mock MRF module for describe() testingAriadne Conill
2019-08-14MRF: add describe() for gathering and describing the MRF configurationAriadne Conill
2019-08-14config: remove legacy activitypub accept_blocks settingAriadne Conill
Anyone who is interested in dropping blocks can write their own MRF policy at this point. This setting predated the MRF framework. Disabling the side effect (unsubscription) is still a config option per policy.
2019-08-14changelog updatesAriadne Conill
2019-08-14Do not fetch the reply object in `fix_type` unless the object has therinpatch
`name` key and use a depth limit when fetching it
2019-08-14#1110 fixed /api/pleroma/healthcheckMaksim
2019-08-14add removed section to changelogAriadne Conill
2019-08-14MRF: ensure that subdomain_match calls are case-insensitiveAriadne Conill
2019-08-14Redirect not logged-in users to the MastoFE login page on private instancesSergey Suprunenko
2019-08-14tests: mastodon account views: add missing CommonAPI aliasAriadne Conill
2019-08-14Strip internal fields including likes from incoming and outgoing activitiesSergey Suprunenko
2019-08-14Do not rembed the object after updating itrinpatch
2019-08-14OStatus tests: stop relying on embedded objectsrinpatch
2019-08-14ActivityPub tests: remove assertions of embedded object being updated,rinpatch
because the objects are no longer supposed to be embedded
2019-08-14OStatus Announce Representer: Do not depend on the object being embeddedrinpatch
in the Create activity
2019-08-14Stop depending on the embedded object in restrict_favorited_byrinpatch
2019-08-14chase changelog updatesAriadne Conill
2019-08-14Feature/1087 wildcard option for blocksAlexander Strizhakov
2019-08-14add listener port and ip option for 'pleroma.instance gen' and enable its testSachin Joshi
2019-08-14tasks: relay: add list taskAriadne Conill
2019-08-14Handle MRF rejections of incoming AP activitiesSergey Suprunenko
2019-08-14tasks/pleroma/user.ex: Fix documentation of --max-use and --expire-atHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
Closes: [ci skip]
2019-08-14tasks/pleroma/instance.ex: Change :upload_dir to :uploads_dirHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2019-08-14update changelog for lanodan's changeAriadne Conill
2019-08-14templates/layout/app.html.eex: Style anchorsHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
[ci skip]
2019-08-14update changelog for thibg's changeAriadne Conill
2019-08-14Return profile URL in MastodonAPI's `url` fieldThibaut Girka