AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-07-28Try to download pre-built bundles and fallback to building from sourcerefactor/fe-bundlesRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-27use start_pleroma/0 instead of raw Application.ensure_all_started/1Roman Chvanikov
2020-07-27skip yarn-dependent tests when yarn is unavailableRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-27Handle empty configs in install-allRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-27Merge developRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-27Add mix task to install all frontendsRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-27Merge branch 'issue/1934-welcome-email' into 'develop'lain
2020-07-27Apply 1 suggestion(s) to 1 file(s)lain
2020-07-27Merge branch 'fix/reverse-proxy-no-body-connection-leak' into 'develop'Haelwenn
2020-07-27Merge branch 'fix/update-types-in-link-formatter' into 'develop'Haelwenn
2020-07-27Merge branch 'develop' into refactor/fe-bundlesRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-26ReverseProxy tesla client: remove handling of old_connrinpatch
2020-07-26Merge branch 'patch-3' into 'develop'rinpatch
2020-07-26ReverseProxy: Fix a gun connection leak when there is an error with norinpatch
2020-07-26OpenAPI: remove accidentally pasted buffer dataAlibek Omarov
2020-07-26OpenAPI: Replace actor_id by account_id to follow ChatMessage schemaAlibek Omarov
2020-07-26Merge branch 'fix/mix-tasks' into 'develop'lain
2020-07-26Update types in Pleroma.Formatter groupAngelina Filippova
2020-07-25Merge branch 'develop' into refactor/fe-bundlesRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-25added migrate old settings to newMaksim Pechnikov
2020-07-24Ensure Oban is available during mix tasks.Mark Felder
2020-07-24Fix mix tasks that make HTTP calls by starting the Gun connection poolMark Felder
2020-07-24remove duplicate moduleMaksim Pechnikov
2020-07-23Merge branch 'unblock-domain-via-query' into 'develop'feld
2020-07-23Support blocking via query parameters as well and document the change.Mark Felder
2020-07-23Merge branch 'feature/add-mrf-related-policies' into 'develop'feld
2020-07-23Merge branch '1976-status-view-fixes' into 'develop'Haelwenn
2020-07-23Merge branch 'develop' into issue/1934-welcome-emailMaksim Pechnikov
2020-07-23Merge branch '1973-chats-fix-with-restrict-unauthenticated' into 'develop'lain
2020-07-23[#2791] AccountView: renamed `:force` option to `:skip_visibility_check`.Ivan Tashkinov
2020-07-23Merge branch 'bugfix/mrf-reject-logging' into 'develop'lain
2020-07-23Merge branch 'issue/1878' into 'develop'lain
2020-07-23Merge branch 'develop' into refactor/fe-bundlesRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-23Merge branch 'linkify' into 'develop'lain
2020-07-23added warning to use old keysMaksim Pechnikov
2020-07-22Update linkify migration tests to use config from ConfigDBAlex Gleason
2020-07-22Migration to fix malformed Pleroma.Formatter configAlex Gleason
2020-07-22Refactor require_migration/1 into a test helper functionAlex Gleason
2020-07-22Add AutolinkerToLinkify migration testAlex Gleason
2020-07-22Merge branch 'develop' into refactor/fe-bundlesRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-22Fix linkify ConfigDB migrationAlex Gleason
2020-07-22[#1973] Fixed accounts rendering in GET /api/v1/pleroma/chats with truish :re...Ivan Tashkinov
2020-07-22Require yarn when installing FEsRoman Chvanikov
2020-07-22Add related_policy fieldAngelina Filippova
2020-07-22Merge branch 'fix/pleroma-api-emoji-packs' into 'develop'lain
2020-07-22added check user email for welcome emailMaksim Pechnikov
2020-07-22StatusView: Handle badly formatted emoji reactions.Lain Soykaf
2020-07-22fix sender for welcome emailMaksim Pechnikov
2020-07-22Merge branch 'bugfix/limiter_git_url' into 'develop'lain
2020-07-22mix.exs: Append .git to git repo URLsHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier