path: root/.gitlab-ci.yml
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-02-17Do not want these interfering with develop buildsMark Felder
2021-02-17Make it possible to generate custom docker images by prefixing the branch nam...Mark Felder
2021-02-03CI: Forgot $ in spec-deployrinpatch
2021-02-03CI: Add job ref when calling api docs builderrinpatch
2021-02-03Improve OpenAPI spec and deploy it to api.pleroma.socialrinpatch
2020-11-27Gitlab-CI: Explicitly tag specified arm32 images.lain
2020-11-19Gitlab CI: Update postgreslain
2020-11-17Gitlab CI: Specify image architecture for arm64 imageslain
2020-11-13Gitlab CI: Change tags bag to arm32lain
2020-11-13Gitlab CI: Alpine is alpinelain
2020-11-13Gitlab CI: Specify arm32v7 image for arm32 buildslain
2020-10-20CI: Install libmagic-dev in debian release targetsHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2020-10-20CI: Install file-dev in alpine release targetsHaelwenn (lanodan) Monnier
2020-10-09Merge branch 'develop' into feature/gen-magicMark Felder
2020-09-28CI: Add ffmpeglain
2020-09-10Merge branch 'develop' into feature/gen-magicMark Felder
2020-08-26Merge branch 'develop' of into pleroma-2.1...lain
2020-08-25Merge branch 'buildx-multiarch-arm32v7' into 'develop'Haelwenn
2020-08-25Merge branch 'stable' of into pleroma-2.1-rc0lain
2020-08-19CI: Fix release builds once more.lain
2020-08-13CI: Add cmake to buildlain
2020-08-13Build files: Add cmakelain
2020-08-07CI: install cmake since fast_html now requires itrinpatch
2020-08-06Add checksum to docker buildx, add aarch/arm64 to the list of platformsGuy Sheffer
2020-07-22Add multiarch support to docker container, fixes Sheffer
2020-07-10Support Exiftool for stripping EXIF dataMark Felder
2020-07-08re-enable federation testsstwf
2020-06-17Update OTP releases to official images of 1.10.3rinpatch
2020-06-16Upgrade to Elixir 1.9Steven Fuchs
2020-06-16Pleroma.MIME: use gen_magichref
2020-05-12Give up for now and make gitlab retry failed jobs.lain
2020-03-31remove testing `only:` in docker buildjp
2020-03-31add imagemagick and update inherited container to alpine:3.11jp
2020-03-31Remove problematic --cache-from argumentMark Felder
2020-03-31Merge branch 'fix-testing' into 'develop'lain
2020-03-19remove federated testingstwf
2020-01-15Update docker release / stable jobsjp
2020-01-15Update docker jobs for release branches and stable branchesjp
2020-01-15Fix only: on docker develop/latest jobjp
2020-01-15update `only:` for release/ branch regex matching. and to avoid running
2020-01-15Fix odd spacingjp
2020-01-14Remove forked test branch matchingjp
2020-01-14Remove artifacts passing by setting `dependencies: []`jp
2020-01-14Add allow_failure to docker jobsjp
2020-01-14Remove cache from docker jobs. Split devlop and stable branches into their
2020-01-10Update Dockerfile with labels. Update gitlab-ci for registry usagejp
2019-12-17CI: Add a cache policy for test jobs and fix rum tests recompilingrinpatch
2019-11-28Merge branch 'chore/manual-benchmark' into 'develop'rinpatch
2019-11-28Use PosgreSQL v12 in the federated testsEgor Kislitsyn
2019-11-28CI: Make benchmarks manually triggered.lain