path: root/test/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/auth_controller_test.exs
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/auth_controller_test.exs')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/auth_controller_test.exs b/test/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/auth_controller_test.exs
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+++ b/test/pleroma/web/mastodon_api/controllers/auth_controller_test.exs
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+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.AuthControllerTest do
+ use Pleroma.Web.ConnCase
+ alias Pleroma.Config
+ alias Pleroma.Repo
+ alias Pleroma.Tests.ObanHelpers
+ import Pleroma.Factory
+ import Swoosh.TestAssertions
+ describe "GET /web/login" do
+ setup %{conn: conn} do
+ session_opts = [
+ store: :cookie,
+ key: "_test",
+ signing_salt: "cooldude"
+ ]
+ conn =
+ conn
+ |>
+ |> fetch_session()
+ test_path = "/web/statuses/test"
+ %{conn: conn, path: test_path}
+ end
+ test "redirects to the saved path after log in", %{conn: conn, path: path} do
+ app = insert(:oauth_app, client_name: "Mastodon-Local", redirect_uris: ".")
+ auth = insert(:oauth_authorization, app: app)
+ conn =
+ conn
+ |> put_session(:return_to, path)
+ |> get("/web/login", %{code: auth.token})
+ assert conn.status == 302
+ assert redirected_to(conn) == path
+ end
+ test "redirects to the getting-started page when referer is not present", %{conn: conn} do
+ app = insert(:oauth_app, client_name: "Mastodon-Local", redirect_uris: ".")
+ auth = insert(:oauth_authorization, app: app)
+ conn = get(conn, "/web/login", %{code: auth.token})
+ assert conn.status == 302
+ assert redirected_to(conn) == "/web/getting-started"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "POST /auth/password, with valid parameters" do
+ setup %{conn: conn} do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ conn = post(conn, "/auth/password?email=#{}")
+ %{conn: conn, user: user}
+ end
+ test "it returns 204", %{conn: conn} do
+ assert empty_json_response(conn)
+ end
+ test "it creates a PasswordResetToken record for user", %{user: user} do
+ token_record = Repo.get_by(Pleroma.PasswordResetToken, user_id:
+ assert token_record
+ end
+ test "it sends an email to user", %{user: user} do
+ ObanHelpers.perform_all()
+ token_record = Repo.get_by(Pleroma.PasswordResetToken, user_id:
+ email = Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail.password_reset_email(user, token_record.token)
+ notify_email = Config.get([:instance, :notify_email])
+ instance_name = Config.get([:instance, :name])
+ assert_email_sent(
+ from: {instance_name, notify_email},
+ to: {,},
+ html_body: email.html_body
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ describe "POST /auth/password, with nickname" do
+ test "it returns 204", %{conn: conn} do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ assert conn
+ |> post("/auth/password?nickname=#{user.nickname}")
+ |> empty_json_response()
+ ObanHelpers.perform_all()
+ token_record = Repo.get_by(Pleroma.PasswordResetToken, user_id:
+ email = Pleroma.Emails.UserEmail.password_reset_email(user, token_record.token)
+ notify_email = Config.get([:instance, :notify_email])
+ instance_name = Config.get([:instance, :name])
+ assert_email_sent(
+ from: {instance_name, notify_email},
+ to: {,},
+ html_body: email.html_body
+ )
+ end
+ test "it doesn't fail when a user has no email", %{conn: conn} do
+ user = insert(:user, %{email: nil})
+ assert conn
+ |> post("/auth/password?nickname=#{user.nickname}")
+ |> empty_json_response()
+ end
+ end
+ describe "POST /auth/password, with invalid parameters" do
+ setup do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ {:ok, user: user}
+ end
+ test "it returns 204 when user is not found", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
+ conn = post(conn, "/auth/password?email=nonexisting_#{}")
+ assert empty_json_response(conn)
+ end
+ test "it returns 204 when user is not local", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
+ {:ok, user} = Repo.update(Ecto.Changeset.change(user, local: false))
+ conn = post(conn, "/auth/password?email=#{}")
+ assert empty_json_response(conn)
+ end
+ test "it returns 204 when user is deactivated", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
+ {:ok, user} = Repo.update(Ecto.Changeset.change(user, deactivated: true, local: true))
+ conn = post(conn, "/auth/password?email=#{}")
+ assert empty_json_response(conn)
+ end
+ end
+ describe "DELETE /auth/sign_out" do
+ test "redirect to root page", %{conn: conn} do
+ user = insert(:user)
+ conn =
+ conn
+ |> assign(:user, user)
+ |> delete("/auth/sign_out")
+ assert conn.status == 302
+ assert redirected_to(conn) == "/"
+ end
+ end