path: root/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex b/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex
index 374d8704a..ae4301738 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object.Fetcher do
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.ObjectValidator
alias Pleroma.Web.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier
alias Pleroma.Web.Federator
+ alias Pleroma.Web.FedSockets
require Logger
require Pleroma.Constants
@@ -36,8 +37,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object.Fetcher do
defp reinject_object(%Object{data: %{"type" => "Question"}} = object, new_data) do
Logger.debug("Reinjecting object #{new_data["id"]}")
- with new_data <- Transmogrifier.fix_object(new_data),
- data <- maybe_reinject_internal_fields(object, new_data),
+ with data <- maybe_reinject_internal_fields(object, new_data),
{:ok, data, _} <- ObjectValidator.validate(data, %{}),
changeset <- Object.change(object, %{data: data}),
changeset <- touch_changeset(changeset),
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object.Fetcher do
{:containment, _} ->
{:error, "Object containment failed."}
- {:transmogrifier, {:error, {:reject, nil}}} ->
- {:reject, nil}
+ {:transmogrifier, {:error, {:reject, e}}} ->
+ {:reject, e}
{:transmogrifier, _} = e ->
{:error, e}
@@ -183,9 +183,47 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object.Fetcher do
- def fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(id) when is_binary(id) do
+ def fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(prm, opts \\ [])
+ def fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(%{"id" => id}, opts),
+ do: fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(id, opts)
+ def fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(id, opts) when is_binary(id) do
Logger.debug("Fetching object #{id} via AP")
+ with {:scheme, true} <- {:scheme, String.starts_with?(id, "http")},
+ {:ok, body} <- get_object(id, opts),
+ {:ok, data} <- safe_json_decode(body),
+ :ok <- Containment.contain_origin_from_id(id, data) do
+ {:ok, data}
+ else
+ {:scheme, _} ->
+ {:error, "Unsupported URI scheme"}
+ {:error, e} ->
+ {:error, e}
+ e ->
+ {:error, e}
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(_id, _opts),
+ do: {:error, "id must be a string"}
+ defp get_object(id, opts) do
+ with false <- Keyword.get(opts, :force_http, false),
+ {:ok, fedsocket} <- FedSockets.get_or_create_fed_socket(id) do
+ Logger.debug("fetching via fedsocket - #{inspect(id)}")
+ FedSockets.fetch(fedsocket, id)
+ else
+ _other ->
+ Logger.debug("fetching via http - #{inspect(id)}")
+ get_object_http(id)
+ end
+ end
+ defp get_object_http(id) do
date = Pleroma.Signature.signed_date()
headers =
@@ -193,20 +231,29 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object.Fetcher do
|> maybe_date_fetch(date)
|> sign_fetch(id, date)
- Logger.debug("Fetch headers: #{inspect(headers)}")
+ case HTTP.get(id, headers) do
+ {:ok, %{body: body, status: code, headers: headers}} when code in 200..299 ->
+ case List.keyfind(headers, "content-type", 0) do
+ {_, content_type} ->
+ case Plug.Conn.Utils.media_type(content_type) do
+ {:ok, "application", "activity+json", _} ->
+ {:ok, body}
+ {:ok, "application", "ld+json",
+ %{"profile" => ""}} ->
+ {:ok, body}
+ _ ->
+ {:error, {:content_type, content_type}}
+ end
+ _ ->
+ {:error, {:content_type, nil}}
+ end
- with {:scheme, true} <- {:scheme, String.starts_with?(id, "http")},
- {:ok, %{body: body, status: code}} when code in 200..299 <- HTTP.get(id, headers),
- {:ok, data} <- Jason.decode(body),
- :ok <- Containment.contain_origin_from_id(id, data) do
- {:ok, data}
- else
{:ok, %{status: code}} when code in [404, 410] ->
{:error, "Object has been deleted"}
- {:scheme, _} ->
- {:error, "Unsupported URI scheme"}
{:error, e} ->
{:error, e}
@@ -215,8 +262,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object.Fetcher do
- def fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(%{"id" => id}),
- do: fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(id)
- def fetch_and_contain_remote_object_from_id(_id), do: {:error, "id must be a string"}
+ defp safe_json_decode(nil), do: {:ok, nil}
+ defp safe_json_decode(json), do: Jason.decode(json)