path: root/lib/pleroma/http/adapter_helper.ex
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pleroma/http/adapter_helper.ex')
1 files changed, 140 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/http/adapter_helper.ex b/lib/pleroma/http/adapter_helper.ex
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index 000000000..9ec3836b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/pleroma/http/adapter_helper.ex
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+# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
+# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
+defmodule Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper do
+ @moduledoc """
+ Configure Tesla.Client with default and customized adapter options.
+ """
+ @defaults [pool: :federation]
+ @type proxy_type() :: :socks4 | :socks5
+ @type host() :: charlist() | :inet.ip_address()
+ alias Pleroma.Config
+ alias Pleroma.HTTP.AdapterHelper
+ require Logger
+ @type proxy ::
+ {, pos_integer()}
+ | {Connection.proxy_type(),, pos_integer()}
+ @callback options(keyword(), URI.t()) :: keyword()
+ @callback get_conn(URI.t(), keyword()) :: {:ok, term()} | {:error, term()}
+ @spec format_proxy(String.t() | tuple() | nil) :: proxy() | nil
+ def format_proxy(nil), do: nil
+ def format_proxy(proxy_url) do
+ case parse_proxy(proxy_url) do
+ {:ok, host, port} -> {host, port}
+ {:ok, type, host, port} -> {type, host, port}
+ _ -> nil
+ end
+ end
+ @spec maybe_add_proxy(keyword(), proxy() | nil) :: keyword()
+ def maybe_add_proxy(opts, nil), do: opts
+ def maybe_add_proxy(opts, proxy), do: Keyword.put_new(opts, :proxy, proxy)
+ @doc """
+ Merge default connection & adapter options with received ones.
+ """
+ @spec options(URI.t(), keyword()) :: keyword()
+ def options(%URI{} = uri, opts \\ []) do
+ @defaults
+ |> put_timeout()
+ |> Keyword.merge(opts)
+ |> adapter_helper().options(uri)
+ end
+ # For Hackney, this is the time a connection can stay idle in the pool.
+ # For Gun, this is the timeout to receive a message from Gun.
+ defp put_timeout(opts) do
+ {config_key, default} =
+ if adapter() == Tesla.Adapter.Gun do
+ {:pools, Config.get([:pools, :default, :timeout], 5_000)}
+ else
+ {:hackney_pools, 10_000}
+ end
+ timeout = Config.get([config_key, opts[:pool], :timeout], default)
+ Keyword.merge(opts, timeout: timeout)
+ end
+ def get_conn(uri, opts), do: adapter_helper().get_conn(uri, opts)
+ defp adapter, do: Application.get_env(:tesla, :adapter)
+ defp adapter_helper do
+ case adapter() do
+ Tesla.Adapter.Gun -> AdapterHelper.Gun
+ Tesla.Adapter.Hackney -> AdapterHelper.Hackney
+ _ -> AdapterHelper.Default
+ end
+ end
+ @spec parse_proxy(String.t() | tuple() | nil) ::
+ {:ok, host(), pos_integer()}
+ | {:ok, proxy_type(), host(), pos_integer()}
+ | {:error, atom()}
+ | nil
+ def parse_proxy(nil), do: nil
+ def parse_proxy(proxy) when is_binary(proxy) do
+ with [host, port] <- String.split(proxy, ":"),
+ {port, ""} <- Integer.parse(port) do
+ {:ok, parse_host(host), port}
+ else
+ {_, _} ->
+ Logger.warn("Parsing port failed #{inspect(proxy)}")
+ {:error, :invalid_proxy_port}
+ :error ->
+ Logger.warn("Parsing port failed #{inspect(proxy)}")
+ {:error, :invalid_proxy_port}
+ _ ->
+ Logger.warn("Parsing proxy failed #{inspect(proxy)}")
+ {:error, :invalid_proxy}
+ end
+ end
+ def parse_proxy(proxy) when is_tuple(proxy) do
+ with {type, host, port} <- proxy do
+ {:ok, type, parse_host(host), port}
+ else
+ _ ->
+ Logger.warn("Parsing proxy failed #{inspect(proxy)}")
+ {:error, :invalid_proxy}
+ end
+ end
+ @spec parse_host(String.t() | atom() | charlist()) :: charlist() | :inet.ip_address()
+ def parse_host(host) when is_list(host), do: host
+ def parse_host(host) when is_atom(host), do: to_charlist(host)
+ def parse_host(host) when is_binary(host) do
+ host = to_charlist(host)
+ case :inet.parse_address(host) do
+ {:error, :einval} -> host
+ {:ok, ip} -> ip
+ end
+ end
+ @spec format_host(String.t()) :: charlist()
+ def format_host(host) do
+ host_charlist = to_charlist(host)
+ case :inet.parse_address(host_charlist) do
+ {:error, :einval} ->
+ :idna.encode(host_charlist)
+ {:ok, _ip} ->
+ host_charlist
+ end
+ end