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authorAlexander Strizhakov <>2020-01-28 19:29:27 +0300
committerAlexander Strizhakov <>2020-01-28 19:29:27 +0300
commit7bd4c1458103920479ea39a5334b54d729faae6e (patch)
parentd9cb8acd3e43f2b3502f2b08ce469483c67789f6 (diff)
meta tag parser respect first title header
3 files changed, 2915 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/rich_media/parsers/meta_tags_parser.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/rich_media/parsers/meta_tags_parser.ex
index 913975616..c2a3c07a2 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/rich_media/parsers/meta_tags_parser.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/rich_media/parsers/meta_tags_parser.ex
@@ -48,6 +48,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parsers.MetaTagsParser do
defp maybe_put_title(meta, _), do: meta
defp get_page_title(html) do
- Floki.find(html, "title") |> Floki.text()
+ Floki.find(html, "title") |> List.first() |> Floki.text()
diff --git a/test/fixtures/margaret-corbin-grave-west-point.html b/test/fixtures/margaret-corbin-grave-west-point.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f6d387cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/margaret-corbin-grave-west-point.html
@@ -0,0 +1,2895 @@
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+ <h1 class="ArticleHeader__title">The Missing Grave of Margaret Corbin, Revolutionary War Veteran</h1>
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+ She&#8217;s the only woman veteran honored with a monument at West Point. But where was she buried?
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+ In 1926, the Daughters of the American Revolution joined forces with the U.S. Military Academy to exhume
+ the supposed burial site of Margaret Corbin. <span class='caption-credit'>Daughters of the American
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+ West Point’s only monument to a woman veteran stands above an empty grave.
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+ <p class="item-body-text-graf"><span class="section-start-text">In 2016, five days after
+ </span>Thanksgiving, Margaret Corbin&#8217;s grave was dug up for the second time since her death in
+ 1800. It began by accident. Contractors were working on a retaining wall near the West Point Cemetery,
+ at the U.S. Military Academy, when a hydraulic excavator got too close and chewed through the grave.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">As soon as they noticed bones spilling from the soil, they alerted the
+ military police. The plot was quickly cordoned off, her monument was wrapped in tarp, and rumors started
+ to spread about Corbin&#8217;s resting place&#8212;that is, if it even <em>was</em> her resting place.
+ When forensic archaeologists arrived at the scene, they were perplexed: The bones seemed oddly large.
+ </p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">The monument to Margaret Corbin is West Point&#8217;s only monument to a
+ woman veteran, and it greets visitors near the main gate, just feet from a neoclassical chapel. It faces
+ Washington Road, where the Academy&#8217;s top brass live, and depicts Corbin in a long dress, operating
+ a cannon as her long hair and cape fly in the wind. She wears a powder horn and holds a rammer to load
+ cannonballs; the rest of the rather cramped cemetery sprawls out behind her. The monument portrays the
+ moments before Corbin became a prisoner of war.</p>
+ <figure class=" contains-caption "><img class="article-image with-structured-caption lazy"
+ src=""
+ alt="On the West Point monument, Corbin wears a long dress and a powder horn, and she operates a cannon while her long hair flies in the wind."
+ width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71546"
+ data-src="">
+ <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">On the West Point monument, Corbin wears a long
+ dress and a powder horn, and she operates a cannon while her long hair flies in the wind. <span
+ class="caption-credit">Science History Images / Alamy Stock Photo</span></figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">The story goes that Corbin joined her husband, John, to fight in the
+ American Revolution. At the time, many women followed their husbands to war, where they were commonly
+ known as &#8220;camp followers.&#8221; Typically, they foraged for food, cooked, and did laundry. Before
+ Martha Washington was the United States&#8217; first first lady, she was also a camp follower. In fact,
+ she and Margaret were with the same company&#8212;though the two experienced different lives, since
+ George was a general, and John manned a cannon.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">At the Battle of Fort Washington, on November 16, 1776, in what is now
+ Washington Heights, the British and Hessians advanced far enough to make the Continental Army&#8217;s
+ position untenable. George Washington retreated with his forces to White Plains; John Corbin was shot
+ dead at his cannon. But Margaret was there to jump into John&#8217;s position and help fire the cannon.
+ During the battle, her jaw and shoulder were seriously injured, and grapeshot tore off part of her
+ breast. Despite the Continental Army&#8217;s efforts, the fort was soon surrendered, and Corbin was
+ captured along with approximately 2,837 soldiers.</p>
+ <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
+ class="article-image with-structured-caption lazy"
+ src=""
+ alt="A watercolor by Thomas Davies depicting the attack on Fort Washington by the British and Hessian Brigades. Margaret Corbin was taken prisoner after fighting in the battle."
+ width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71538"
+ data-src="">
+ <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">A watercolor by Thomas Davies depicting the attack
+ on Fort Washington by the British and Hessian Brigades. Margaret Corbin was taken prisoner after
+ fighting in the battle. <span class="caption-credit">Alamy Stock Photo</span></figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">The British may have been unsure what to do with an injured woman, because
+ she was released fairly soon after the battle. The ordeal was one of many traumas in her life: According
+ to records collected by the <a
+ href="">historian</a> Stella Bailey,
+ Margaret was only five years old when her father was killed in a conflict with Native Americans in
+ Pennsylvania, where they lived. Her mother was kidnapped, and Margaret and her brother moved in with an
+ uncle. They never saw her again.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">After Corbin&#8217;s return, she joined the Corps of Invalids, a group of
+ wounded soldiers that were still able to contribute to the war effort. They were stationed at West
+ Point, New York, where Corbin became known as a cantankerous woman who had a tough time making a home
+ for herself in the neighboring village of Highland Falls. She moved between various local families who
+ tried to care for her. Having witnessed her husband&#8217;s death and sustaining wounds, she was
+ probably in constant mental and physical pain.</p>
+ <hr class="baseline-grid-hr">
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf section-break-graf"><span class="section-start-text">When Margaret Corbin
+ died in </span>1800, she was buried in a pauper&#8217;s cemetery in Highland Falls, just three miles
+ from West Point. But in 1926, the national society of women known as the Daughters of the American
+ Revolution saw to it that Corbin would earn her vaunted cemetery plot. The society, which is made up of
+ women who can trace their lineage to participants in the American Revolution, was celebrating the
+ sesquicentennial of American independence, and saw Corbin as the consummate symbol of both their
+ organization and the Revolution. A year-long effort convinced the U.S. Military Academy to help them
+ exhume and transport the remains to the prestigious cemetery, to be reburied with a military funeral.
+ </p>
+ <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
+ class="article-image with-structured-caption lazy"
+ src=""
+ alt="This sign directs visitors to the United States Military Academy to the purported site of Margaret Corbin's grave."
+ width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71506"
+ data-src="">
+ <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">This sign directs visitors to the United States
+ Military Academy to the purported site of Margaret Corbin&#8217;s grave. <a class="caption-credit"
+ rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
+ href="">Ahodges7 /
+ CC BY-SA 3.0</a></figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">Exhumation was not a simple task: By the time the DAR began their campaign
+ to move Corbin, the location of her exact burial was known only by word-of-mouth, passed down through
+ generations. In collaboration with West Point, the Daughters found the great-grandson of the man who
+ supposedly dug Corbin&#8217;s original grave, a steamboat captain by the name of Farout. Her burial site
+ was apparently marked by the stump of a cedar tree; during the exhumation process, the gravedigger
+ accidentally drove the shovel through the skull. Still, the Army Surgeon reported injuries to the
+ skeleton that were consistent with grapeshot. The remains were given a new, flag-draped casket and
+ delivered to West Point by horse-drawn hearse.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">Every year since then, the Daughters have gathered at Corbin&#8217;s
+ monument for Margaret Corbin Day. On the first Tuesday of May, the Daughters fill the chapel, share
+ Corbin&#8217;s story, sing hymns, and stand at the grave while soldiers perform a 21-gun salute.</p>
+ <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
+ class="article-image with-structured-caption lazy"
+ src=""
+ alt="A horse-drawn hearse carried a flag-draped casket that was said to contain Corbin&#8217;s remains."
+ width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71497"
+ data-src="">
+ <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">A horse-drawn hearse carried a flag-draped casket
+ that was said to contain Corbin&#8217;s remains. <span class="caption-credit">Daughters of the
+ American Revolution</span></figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">After the U.S. Military Academy unintentionally reopened the grave beneath
+ Corbin&#8217;s monument in 2016, they decided to conduct an emergency forensic archaeological
+ excavation. They enlisted the help of Elizabeth A. DiGangi, an anthropology professor at Binghamton
+ University, and Michael K. Trimble, an archaeologist for the Army Corps of Engineers. Almost
+ immediately, the pair noticed that the size of the bones didn&#8217;t match Corbin&#8217;s description.
+ Corbin was reportedly a stout woman. &#8220;One of the first bones I saw when I was on site was the
+ humerus, or upper arm bone,&#8221; DiGangi says. &#8220;It was very large, which is not what you would
+ expect with an arm bone from a woman.&#8221;</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">DiGangi took the remains to her laboratory at Binghamton University to do a
+ full analysis. Some worried that other remains were mixed up with Corbin&#8217;s. (In the past, West
+ Point has discovered unknown remains when they&#8217;ve broken new ground for construction.) Ultimately,
+ DiGangi&#8217;s analysis revealed something even more shocking: The remains in Corbin&#8217;s grave
+ actually came from an adult male. DiGangi determined that it was a large man, who could&#8217;ve been
+ anywhere from five-foot-seven to six and a half feet tall. The remains of Margaret Corbin were not in
+ Margaret Corbin&#8217;s grave.</p>
+ <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
+ class="article-image with-structured-caption lazy"
+ src=""
+ alt="In 1926, the remains from Highland Park were reinterred at West Point, and sat at the foot of the Margaret Corbin monument until 2016."
+ width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71024"
+ data-src="">
+ <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">In 1926, the remains from Highland Park were
+ reinterred at West Point, and sat at the foot of the Margaret Corbin monument until 2016. <span
+ class="caption-credit">Daughters of the American Revolution</span></figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">Once the archaeological excavation teams <a
+ href="">completed</a>
+ their reports, the Army National Cemeteries contacted the Daughters of the American Revolution. They
+ wanted a meeting at DAR headquarters in Washington, DC.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">Jennifer Minus, the head of the New York chapter of the DAR, was among
+ those present at the meeting. Minus, a graduate of West Point and a former member of the Corbin Forum, a
+ club for cadet women, knew her Corbin history better than most. She asked how it could&#8217;ve been a
+ man in the grave, if in 1926 the Army surgeon said that grapeshot injuries were present. In her report,
+ DiGangi explains that what the surgeon considered a grapeshot injury was, in fact, post-mortem damage to
+ the remains.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">So where is Margaret Corbin? Since the attempted reburial of Corbin&#8217;s
+ remains, in 1926, her original gravesite in Highland Falls has been lost to time. Sometime in the 1970s,
+ the town dropped a sewage plant where many believe it was once located. Yet Minus remains optimistic
+ that Corbin&#8217;s remains will one day be found.</p>
+ <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
+ class="article-image with-structured-caption lazy"
+ src=""
+ alt="At left, another monument that pays homage to Margaret Corbin, near the site where she took over her husband's cannon; at right, a view of her monument at West Point."
+ width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71513"
+ data-src="">
+ <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">At left, another monument that pays homage to
+ Margaret Corbin, near the site where she took over her husband&#8217;s cannon; at right, a view of her
+ monument at West Point. <a class="caption-credit" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"
+ href="">Beyond
+ My Ken / CC BY-SA 4.0; Ahodges7 / CC BY-SA 3.0</a></figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">As upsetting as it was to learn that her remains were missing, the
+ Daughters also tried to see the discovery as an opportunity to spread Margaret&#8217;s story. It&#8217;s
+ as though they picked up right where the 1926 DAR members left off. Minus formed an unofficial Margaret
+ Corbin Task Force, drawing on the strengths of DAR members: One was a genealogist, and another was a
+ Navy veteran who had worked on locating the remains of American soldiers overseas.</p>
+ <hr class="baseline-grid-hr">
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf section-break-graf"><span class="section-start-text">On April 30, 2019,
+ Minus </span>combed the woods of Highland Falls, looking for the original gravesite. They tried to
+ match up the old photographs with newer ones, but this proved difficult, because most of the trees in
+ the photographs were saplings at the time. They looked for flat areas that would have been suitable for
+ burials: It was common at the time to bury people in elevated areas, to avoid rising water tables that
+ could push the caskets back up to the surface.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">The next day, the Daughters gathered again around Corbin&#8217;s monument,
+ dressed in large hats and sashes. The ground looked as though it had never been disturbed. A casual
+ viewer would&#8217;ve never known that Corbin wasn&#8217;t under their feet.</p>
+ <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
+ class="article-image with-structured-caption lazy"
+ src=""
+ alt="In 2018, the Margaret Corbin monument was rededicated with a wreath laying.
+" width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71504"
+ data-src="">
+ <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">In 2018, the Margaret Corbin monument was
+ rededicated with a wreath laying.
+ <span class="caption-credit">Daughters of the American Revolution</span></figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">It was an important day for the Daughters, but especially for Minus, who
+ joined the DAR in part because of Corbin. Once, before she graduated from West Point, she told her
+ grandparents about a lunch honoring Margaret Corbin. Her grandmother told her that her heritage made her
+ eligible to join the Daughters of the American Revolution, and a few years later, when she returned from
+ a post in Germany, her grandma prepared the necessary papers.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">Minus is hopeful that they&#8217;ll find Corbin near the river, not far
+ from the grave that the Daughters dug up in 1926. &#8220;When they started digging, they found bones.
+ So, they didn&#8217;t make, like, 10 different holes over a field. They got it on their first attempt
+ and found bones. What I&#8217;m hoping is that they just had to do a 180, and she would&#8217;ve been
+ five feet over.&#8221;</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">The man they found in Corbin&#8217;s grave has since come back to the West
+ Point cemetery, to be reinterred with the other unidentified remains found in the area. No one yet knows
+ who the man could be. Some theorize it&#8217;s Corbin&#8217;s second husband&#8212;but there&#8217;s no
+ proof that she remarried. Others believe it was a Native American. It&#8217;s possible that the unknown
+ man might be dug up a third time, should the proper clues demand his participation. Corbin&#8217;s
+ original gravesite did not turn up <a
+ href="">in 2018</a>, but the search
+ continues.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">On Corbin Day in 2019, after the 21-gun salute, the Daughters hold another
+ luncheon. This time, the Margaret Corbin Task Force has something special on display: a machine that
+ looks like a souped-up lawn mower. Many Daughters file into the room and ask what it is. &#8220;Just
+ wait,&#8221; Minus answers. Then Lieutenant Colonel Mindy Kimball, an environmental science professor at
+ West Point, holds a demonstration. It&#8217;s a ground-penetrating radar machine, which shoots
+ electromagnetic waves into the ground and sends information back up to the antennae, to identify
+ underground disturbances that could reveal human remains.</p>
+ <figure class="article-image-full-width contains-caption "><img
+ class="article-image with-structured-caption lazy"
+ src=""
+ alt="The monument to Margaret Corbin is West Point&#8217;s only monument to a woman veteran."
+ width="auto" data-kind="article-image" id="article-image-71512"
+ data-src="">
+ <figcaption class="caption structured-caption noskim">The monument to Margaret Corbin is West
+ Point&#8217;s only monument to a woman veteran. <a class="caption-credit" rel="nofollow"
+ target="_blank"
+ href=",_West_Point,_NY.JPG">Ahodges7
+ / CC BY-SA 3.0</a></figcaption>
+ </figure>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">Whether or not Corbin is ever located, just sharing her story helps to
+ immortalize her. Minus is fascinated by the many identities that Corbin came to inhabit.
+ &#8220;She&#8217;s an army spouse, and then an army widow, and then she was a soldier, and then she was
+ a wounded soldier, and then she was a prisoner of war, and then she was a veteran,&#8221; she says.
+ Corbin was also the first woman to receive a military pension from the government, and is mentioned by
+ name in the Congressional Record. &#8220;I really think of her as that building block for women in the
+ military.&#8221;</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf">Stella Bailey, the town historian of Highland Falls, has been researching
+ Margaret Corbin for decades. She&#8217;s pored over old maps, trying to pinpoint exactly where Corbin
+ might have been buried in 1800. She even gets emails from people who think they might be related to
+ Corbin.</p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf item-body-last">Sitting in her office, overlooking Main Street in Highland
+ Falls, Bailey sighs. &#8220;We know she was real. West Point&#8217;s records acknowledge her
+ existence,&#8221; she says. But she can list discrepancies in Corbin&#8217;s story. Some say her husband
+ was shot in the head; some say he was shot in the heart. Others say Corbin dressed as a man to fight in
+ the war. Sometimes she wonders whether she will ever find answers. Perhaps these conflicting stories are
+ just a part of Corbin&#8217;s mystique. &#8220;The more I research, the less I know,&#8221; Bailey says.
+ </p>
+ <p class="item-body-text-graf"><em>You can <a
+ href=""
+ target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">join the conversation </a>about this and other stories in
+ the Atlas Obscura Community Forums.</em></p>
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diff --git a/test/web/rich_media/parsers/twitter_card_test.exs b/test/web/rich_media/parsers/twitter_card_test.exs
index f8e1c9b40..e2610f4c2 100644
--- a/test/web/rich_media/parsers/twitter_card_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/rich_media/parsers/twitter_card_test.exs
@@ -66,4 +66,23 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Parsers.TwitterCardTest do
+ test "respect only first title tag on the page" do
+ image_path =
+ "" <>
+ "YTQ5MF9EQVIgZXhodW1hdGlvbiBvZiBNYXJnYXJldCBDb3JiaW4gZ3JhdmUgMTkyNi5qcGciXSxbInAiLCJjb252ZXJ0IiwiIl0sWyJwIiwiY29udmVydCIsIi1xdWFsaXR5IDgxIC1hdXRvLW9" <>
+ "yaWVudCJdLFsicCIsInRodW1iIiwiNjAweD4iXV0/DAR%20exhumation%20of%20Margaret%20Corbin%20grave%201926.jpg"
+ html =!("test/fixtures/margaret-corbin-grave-west-point.html")
+ assert TwitterCard.parse(html, %{}) ==
+ {:ok,
+ %{
+ site: "@atlasobscura",
+ title:
+ "The Missing Grave of Margaret Corbin, Revolutionary War Veteran - Atlas Obscura",
+ card: "summary_large_image",
+ image: image_path
+ }}
+ end