diff options
authorAlex Gleason <>2022-01-26 15:16:59 -0600
committerAlex Gleason <>2022-01-26 15:18:09 -0600
commitfed5c2871d3fb59f703265aec8675a671c3d5971 (patch)
parent454307112c9e3cb7a365c61526ae529d8eef8fe8 (diff)
ResolveActivityObjectConflicts: remove Clippy from this one, it's excessive
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 64 deletions
diff --git a/priv/repo/migrations/20211218181640_resolve_activity_object_conflicts.exs b/priv/repo/migrations/20211218181640_resolve_activity_object_conflicts.exs
index eeec9dbfb..71bca1cbe 100644
--- a/priv/repo/migrations/20211218181640_resolve_activity_object_conflicts.exs
+++ b/priv/repo/migrations/20211218181640_resolve_activity_object_conflicts.exs
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.ResolveActivityObjectConflicts do
This should only happen on servers that existed before "20181218172826_users_and_activities_flake_id".
use Ecto.Migration
- require Integer
- alias Pleroma.Clippy
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.MigrationHelper.ObjectId
alias Pleroma.Repo
@@ -14,8 +12,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.ResolveActivityObjectConflicts do
import Ecto.Query
def up do
- clippy = start_clippy_heartbeats()
# Lock relevant tables
execute("LOCK TABLE objects")
execute("LOCK TABLE chat_message_references")
@@ -34,10 +30,6 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.ResolveActivityObjectConflicts do
# Re-enable triggers
Repo.query!("SET session_replication_role = DEFAULT")
- flush()
- stop_clippy_heartbeats(clippy)
# Get only objects with a conflicting activity ID.
@@ -54,60 +46,4 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.ResolveActivityObjectConflicts do
def down do
- defp start_clippy_heartbeats() do
- count = from(o in "objects", select: count( |>!()
- if count > 5000 do
- heartbeat_interval = :timer.minutes(2) + :timer.seconds(30)
- all_tips =
- ++
- [
- "The migration is still running, maybe it's time for another “tea”?",
- "Happy rabbits practice a cute behavior known as a\n“binky:” they jump up in the air\nand twist\nand spin around!",
- "Nothing and everything.\n\nI still work.",
- "Pleroma runs on a Raspberry Pi!\n\n … but this migration will take forever if you\nactually run on a raspberry pi",
- "Status? Stati? Post? Note? Toot?\nRepeat? Reboost? Boost? Retweet? Retoot??\n\nI-I'm confused."
- ]
- heartbeat = fn heartbeat, runs, all_tips, tips ->
- tips =
- if Integer.is_even(runs) do
- tips = if tips == [], do: all_tips, else: tips
- [tip | tips] = Enum.shuffle(tips)
- Clippy.puts(tip)
- tips
- else
- IO.puts(
- "\n -- #{DateTime.to_string(DateTime.utc_now())} Migration still running, please wait…\n"
- )
- tips
- end
- :timer.sleep(heartbeat_interval)
- heartbeat.(heartbeat, runs + 1, all_tips, tips)
- end
- Clippy.puts([
- [:red, :bright, "It looks like you are running an older instance!"],
- [""],
- [:bright, "This migration may take a long time", :reset, " -- so you probably should"],
- ["go drink a cofe, or a tea, or a beer, a whiskey, a vodka,"],
- ["while it runs to deal with your temporary fediverse pause!"]
- ])
- :timer.sleep(heartbeat_interval)
- spawn_link(fn -> heartbeat.(heartbeat, 1, all_tips, []) end)
- end
- end
- defp stop_clippy_heartbeats(pid) do
- if pid do
- Process.unlink(pid)
- Process.exit(pid, :kill)
- Clippy.puts([[:green, :bright, "Hurray!!", "", "", "Migration completed!"]])
- end
- end