diff options
authorlain <>2020-05-22 18:32:27 +0000
committerlain <>2020-05-22 18:32:27 +0000
commit124812282fd908467c9272aa5ab0d163bec7e4b3 (patch)
parent72189d227f01f7b6e69a947776238931b500c3ed (diff)
Revert "Merge branch 'issue/1509' into 'develop'"revert-6dd1575c
This reverts merge request !2539
10 files changed, 30 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/config/config.exs b/config/config.exs
index 7385fb6c3..0e09a387b 100644
--- a/config/config.exs
+++ b/config/config.exs
@@ -391,10 +391,6 @@ config :pleroma, :rich_media,
config :pleroma, :media_proxy,
enabled: false,
- invalidation: [
- enabled: false,
- provider: Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script
- ],
proxy_opts: [
redirect_on_failure: false,
max_body_length: 25 * 1_048_576,
diff --git a/docs/configuration/ b/docs/configuration/
index 505acb293..f86bb4fbb 100644
--- a/docs/configuration/
+++ b/docs/configuration/
@@ -254,40 +254,6 @@ This section describe PWA manifest instance-specific values. Currently this opti
* `base_url`: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file. Useful when you want to proxy the media files via another host/CDN fronts.
* `proxy_opts`: All options defined in `Pleroma.ReverseProxy` documentation, defaults to `[max_body_length: (25*1_048_576)]`.
* `whitelist`: List of domains to bypass the mediaproxy
-* `invalidation`: options for remove media from cache after delete object:
- * `enabled`: Enables purge cache
- * `provider`: Which one of the [purge cache strategy](#purge-cache-strategy) to use.
-### Purge cache strategy
-#### Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script
-This strategy allow perform external bash script to purge cache.
-Urls of attachments pass to script as arguments.
-* `script_path`: path to external script.
-config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script,
- script_path: "./installation/nginx-cache-purge.example"
-#### Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http
-This strategy allow perform custom http request to purge cache.
-* `method`: http method. default is `purge`
-* `headers`: http headers. default is empty
-* `options`: request options. default is empty
-config :pleroma, Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http,
- method: :purge,
- headers: [],
- options: []
## Link previews
diff --git a/installation/ b/installation/
deleted file mode 100755
index b2915321c..000000000
--- a/installation/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# A simple shell script to delete a media from the Nginx cache.
-# NGINX cache directory
-## Return the files where the items are cached.
-## $1 - the filename, can be a pattern .
-## $2 - the cache directory.
-## $3 - (optional) the number of parallel processes to run for grep.
-get_cache_files() {
- local max_parallel=${3-16}
- find $2 -maxdepth 2 -type d | xargs -P $max_parallel -n 1 grep -E Rl "^KEY:.*$1" | sort -u
-## Removes an item from the given cache zone.
-## $1 - the filename, can be a pattern .
-## $2 - the cache directory.
-purge_item() {
- for f in $(get_cache_files $1 $2); do
- echo "found file: $f"
- [ -f $f ] || continue
- echo "Deleting $f from $2."
- rm $f
- done
-} # purge_item
-purge() {
- for url in "$@"
- do
- echo "$SCRIPTNAME delete \`$url\` from cache ($CACHE_DIRECTORY)"
- purge_item $url $CACHE_DIRECTORY
- done
-purge $1
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/object.ex b/lib/pleroma/object.ex
index 546c4ea01..ab16bf2db 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/object.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/object.ex
@@ -9,13 +9,11 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object do
import Ecto.Changeset
alias Pleroma.Activity
- alias Pleroma.Config
alias Pleroma.Object
alias Pleroma.Object.Fetcher
alias Pleroma.ObjectTombstone
alias Pleroma.Repo
alias Pleroma.User
- alias Pleroma.Workers.AttachmentsCleanupWorker
require Logger
@@ -190,37 +188,27 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Object do
def delete(%Object{data: %{"id" => id}} = object) do
with {:ok, _obj} = swap_object_with_tombstone(object),
deleted_activity = Activity.delete_all_by_object_ap_id(id),
- {:ok, _} <- invalid_object_cache(object) do
- cleanup_attachments(
- Config.get([:instance, :cleanup_attachments]),
- %{"object" => object}
- )
+ {:ok, true} <- Cachex.del(:object_cache, "object:#{id}"),
+ {:ok, _} <- Cachex.del(:web_resp_cache, URI.parse(id).path) do
+ with true <- Pleroma.Config.get([:instance, :cleanup_attachments]) do
+ {:ok, _} =
+ Pleroma.Workers.AttachmentsCleanupWorker.enqueue("cleanup_attachments", %{
+ "object" => object
+ })
+ end
{:ok, object, deleted_activity}
- @spec cleanup_attachments(boolean(), %{required(:object) => map()}) ::
- {:ok, Oban.Job.t() | nil}
- def cleanup_attachments(true, %{"object" => _} = params) do
- AttachmentsCleanupWorker.enqueue("cleanup_attachments", params)
- end
- def cleanup_attachments(_, _), do: {:ok, nil}
- def prune(%Object{data: %{"id" => _id}} = object) do
+ def prune(%Object{data: %{"id" => id}} = object) do
with {:ok, object} <- Repo.delete(object),
- {:ok, _} <- invalid_object_cache(object) do
+ {:ok, true} <- Cachex.del(:object_cache, "object:#{id}"),
+ {:ok, _} <- Cachex.del(:web_resp_cache, URI.parse(id).path) do
{:ok, object}
- def invalid_object_cache(%Object{data: %{"id" => id}}) do
- with {:ok, true} <- Cachex.del(:object_cache, "object:#{id}") do
- Cachex.del(:web_resp_cache, URI.parse(id).path)
- end
- end
def set_cache(%Object{data: %{"id" => ap_id}} = object) do
Cachex.put(:object_cache, "object:#{ap_id}", object)
{:ok, object}
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidation.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidation.ex
deleted file mode 100644
index c037ff13e..000000000
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidation.ex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
-defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation do
- @moduledoc false
- @callback purge(list(String.t()), map()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
- alias Pleroma.Config
- @spec purge(list(String.t())) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, String.t()}
- def purge(urls) do
- [:media_proxy, :invalidation, :enabled]
- |> Config.get()
- |> do_purge(urls)
- end
- defp do_purge(true, urls) do
- provider = Config.get([:media_proxy, :invalidation, :provider])
- options = Config.get(provider)
- provider.purge(urls, options)
- end
- defp do_purge(_, _), do: :ok
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http.ex
deleted file mode 100644
index 07248df6e..000000000
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http.ex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
-defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Http do
- @moduledoc false
- @behaviour Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
- require Logger
- @impl Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
- def purge(urls, opts) do
- method = Map.get(opts, :method, :purge)
- headers = Map.get(opts, :headers, [])
- options = Map.get(opts, :options, [])
- Logger.debug("Running cache purge: #{inspect(urls)}")
- Enum.each(urls, fn url ->
- with {:error, error} <- do_purge(method, url, headers, options) do
- Logger.error("Error while cache purge: url - #{url}, error: #{inspect(error)}")
- end
- end)
- {:ok, "success"}
- end
- defp do_purge(method, url, headers, options) do
- case Pleroma.HTTP.request(method, url, "", headers, options) do
- {:ok, %{status: status} = env} when 400 <= status and status < 500 ->
- {:error, env}
- {:error, error} = error ->
- error
- _ ->
- {:ok, "success"}
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script.ex
deleted file mode 100644
index 6be782132..000000000
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script.ex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server
-# Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors <>
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
-defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.Script do
- @moduledoc false
- @behaviour Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
- require Logger
- @impl Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
- def purge(urls, %{script_path: script_path} = _options) do
- args =
- urls
- |> List.wrap()
- |> Enum.uniq()
- |> Enum.join(" ")
- path = Path.expand(script_path)
- Logger.debug("Running cache purge: #{inspect(urls)}, #{path}")
- case do_purge(path, [args]) do
- {result, exit_status} when exit_status > 0 ->
- Logger.error("Error while cache purge: #{inspect(result)}")
- {:error, inspect(result)}
- _ ->
- {:ok, "success"}
- end
- end
- def purge(_, _), do: {:error, "not found script path"}
- defp do_purge(path, args) do
- System.cmd(path, args)
- rescue
- error -> {inspect(error), 1}
- end
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/workers/attachments_cleanup_worker.ex b/lib/pleroma/workers/attachments_cleanup_worker.ex
index 49352db2a..3c5820a86 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/workers/attachments_cleanup_worker.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/workers/attachments_cleanup_worker.ex
@@ -27,20 +27,8 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Workers.AttachmentsCleanupWorker do
uploader = Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :uploader])
- prefix =
- case Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url]) do
- nil -> "media"
- _ -> ""
- end
- base_url =
- String.trim_trailing(
- Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], Pleroma.Web.base_url()),
- "/"
- )
# find all objects for copies of the attachments, name and actor doesn't matter here
- object_ids_and_hrefs =
+ delete_ids =
from(o in Object,
@@ -79,28 +67,29 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Workers.AttachmentsCleanupWorker do
|> {href, %{id: id, count: count}} ->
# only delete files that have single instance
with 1 <- count do
- href
- |> String.trim_leading("#{base_url}/#{prefix}")
- |> uploader.delete_file()
+ prefix =
+ case Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url]) do
+ nil -> "media"
+ _ -> ""
+ end
- {id, href}
- else
- _ -> {id, nil}
- end
- end)
+ base_url =
+ String.trim_trailing(
+ Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url], Pleroma.Web.base_url()),
+ "/"
+ )
- object_ids =, fn {id, _} -> id end)
+ file_path = String.trim_leading(href, "#{base_url}/#{prefix}")
- from(o in Object, where: in ^object_ids)
- |> Repo.delete_all()
+ uploader.delete_file(file_path)
+ end
- object_ids_and_hrefs
- |> Enum.filter(fn {_, href} -> not is_nil(href) end)
- |>, 1))
- |> Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.purge()
+ id
+ end)
- {:ok, :success}
+ from(o in Object, where: in ^delete_ids)
+ |> Repo.delete_all()
- def perform(%{"op" => "cleanup_attachments", "object" => _object}, _job), do: {:ok, :skip}
+ def perform(%{"op" => "cleanup_attachments", "object" => _object}, _job), do: :ok
diff --git a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http_test.exs b/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a3b4141c..000000000
--- a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/http_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.HttpTest do
- use ExUnit.Case
- alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
- import ExUnit.CaptureLog
- import Tesla.Mock
- test "logs hasn't error message when request is valid" do
- mock(fn
- %{method: :purge, url: ""} ->
- %Tesla.Env{status: 200}
- end)
- refute capture_log(fn ->
- assert Invalidation.Http.purge(
- [""],
- %{}
- ) == {:ok, "success"}
- end) =~ "Error while cache purge"
- end
- test "it write error message in logs when request invalid" do
- mock(fn
- %{method: :purge, url: ""} ->
- %Tesla.Env{status: 404}
- end)
- assert capture_log(fn ->
- assert Invalidation.Http.purge(
- [""],
- %{}
- ) == {:ok, "success"}
- end) =~ "Error while cache purge: url -"
- end
diff --git a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script_test.exs b/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script_test.exs
deleted file mode 100644
index 1358963ab..000000000
--- a/test/web/media_proxy/invalidations/script_test.exs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-defmodule Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation.ScriptTest do
- use ExUnit.Case
- alias Pleroma.Web.MediaProxy.Invalidation
- import ExUnit.CaptureLog
- test "it logger error when script not found" do
- assert capture_log(fn ->
- assert Invalidation.Script.purge(
- [""],
- %{script_path: "./example"}
- ) == {:error, "\"%ErlangError{original: :enoent}\""}
- end) =~ "Error while cache purge: \"%ErlangError{original: :enoent}\""
- assert Invalidation.Script.purge(
- [""],
- %{}
- ) == {:error, "not found script path"}
- end