diff options
authorrinpatch <>2020-09-14 14:45:58 +0300
committerrinpatch <>2020-09-14 14:45:58 +0300
commitf70335002df9b2b3f47f0ccaed6aaeebfb14435f (patch)
parentf66a15c4a51e1c8f614b4c1609b2385a29762931 (diff)
RichMedia: Do a HEAD request to check content type/length
This shouldn't be too expensive, since the connections are pooled, but it should save us some bandwidth since we won't fetch non-html files and files that are too large for us to process (especially since you can't cancel a request without closing the connection with HTTP1).
3 files changed, 91 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pleroma/web/rich_media/helpers.ex b/lib/pleroma/web/rich_media/helpers.ex
index bd7f03cbe..d7a19df4a 100644
--- a/lib/pleroma/web/rich_media/helpers.ex
+++ b/lib/pleroma/web/rich_media/helpers.ex
@@ -87,6 +87,50 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.Helpers do
def rich_media_get(url) do
headers = [{"user-agent", Pleroma.Application.user_agent() <> "; Bot"}]
- Pleroma.HTTP.get(url, headers, @options)
+ head_check =
+ case Pleroma.HTTP.head(url, headers, @options) do
+ # If the HEAD request didn't reach the server for whatever reason,
+ # we assume the GET that comes right after won't either
+ {:error, _} = e ->
+ e
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, headers: headers}} ->
+ with :ok <- check_content_type(headers),
+ :ok <- check_content_length(headers),
+ do: :ok
+ _ ->
+ :ok
+ end
+ with :ok <- head_check, do: Pleroma.HTTP.get(url, headers, @options)
+ end
+ defp check_content_type(headers) do
+ case List.keyfind(headers, "content-type", 0) do
+ {_, content_type} ->
+ case Plug.Conn.Utils.media_type(content_type) do
+ {:ok, "text", "html", _} -> :ok
+ _ -> {:error, {:content_type, content_type}}
+ end
+ _ ->
+ :ok
+ end
+ end
+ @max_body @options[:max_body]
+ defp check_content_length(headers) do
+ case List.keyfind(headers, "content-length", 0) do
+ {_, maybe_content_length} ->
+ case Integer.parse(maybe_content_length) do
+ {content_length, ""} when content_length <= @max_body -> :ok
+ {_, ""} -> {:error, :body_too_large}
+ _ -> :ok
+ end
+ _ ->
+ :ok
+ end
diff --git a/test/support/http_request_mock.ex b/test/support/http_request_mock.ex
index 344e27f13..cb022333f 100644
--- a/test/support/http_request_mock.ex
+++ b/test/support/http_request_mock.ex
@@ -1262,4 +1262,21 @@ defmodule HttpRequestMock do
+ # Most of the rich media mocks are missing HEAD requests, so we just return 404.
+ @rich_media_mocks [
+ "",
+ "",
+ ""
+ ]
+ def head(url, _query, _body, _headers) when url in @rich_media_mocks do
+ {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: ""}}
+ end
+ def head(url, query, body, headers) do
+ {:error,
+ "Mock response not implemented for HEAD #{inspect(url)}, #{query}, #{inspect(body)}, #{
+ inspect(headers)
+ }"}
+ end
diff --git a/test/web/rich_media/parser_test.exs b/test/web/rich_media/parser_test.exs
index 21ae35f8b..d65a63121 100644
--- a/test/web/rich_media/parser_test.exs
+++ b/test/web/rich_media/parser_test.exs
@@ -56,6 +56,27 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.ParserTest do
%{method: :get, url: ""} ->
{:error, :overload}
+ %{
+ method: :head,
+ url: ""
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ headers: [{"content-length", "2000001"}, {"content-type", "text/html"}]
+ }
+ %{
+ method: :head,
+ url: ""
+ } ->
+ %Tesla.Env{
+ status: 200,
+ headers: [{"content-length", "1000000"}, {"content-type", "application/pdf"}]
+ }
+ %{method: :head} ->
+ %Tesla.Env{status: 404, body: "", headers: []}
@@ -144,4 +165,12 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.RichMedia.ParserTest do
test "returns error if getting page was not successful" do
assert {:error, :overload} = Parser.parse("")
+ test "does a HEAD request to check if the body is too large" do
+ assert {:error, body_too_large} = Parser.parse("")
+ end
+ test "does a HEAD request to check if the body is html" do
+ assert {:error, {:content_type, _}} = Parser.parse("")
+ end