AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-01-06Add basic blurb stating they should follow the server. Closes #1641Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix styling of follower list. Closes #1636Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Use fallback avatar if it fails to load. Closes #1635Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Reject federated actions from blocked actors. #1631Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add support for removing followers/requests. Closes #1630Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add additional index to users tableGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Adjust federated engagement chat views. Closes #1617Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update commentGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix automated test NREGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Test against user being disabled instead of message visibilityGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix query that wasn't properly filtering out hidden messagesGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix NREs throwing in test contentGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev adminGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update the error message of the remote follow dialog. closes #1622Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Disable fetching objects by IRI when in private mode. Closes #1623Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add content warning and sentive content flag if stream is NSFW. Closes #1624Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove unused functionGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix unused assignments and logicGabe Kangas
2022-01-06A bunch of cleanupGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev admin bundleGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Reject federated engagement actions if they do not match a local postGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Handle engagement from non-automated/live postsGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev admin bundleGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Autolink and create tag objects from manual posts. Closes #1620Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06SendFederationMessage -> SendFederatedMessageGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix fetching a single object by IRIGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Add spinner, autoclose + other fixes to follow modal. Fixes #1593Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix shortcuts getting fired on inputs. Fixes #1489 and #1201Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix too-small follower cells and jumpy tabs. Closes #1616 and closes #1516Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06API for returning a list of federated actions for #1573Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Rework private-mode followers/approvalsGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Only save notes to outbox ableGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Only set server init date if not already setGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Move from being a person to a bot (service). Closes #1619Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev admin.Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update chat federated engagement.Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Updates for inbound federated event handling.Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06indirect -> direct importGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Remove logGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Set default go live messageGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Updates to followers paginationGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Hide chat toggle when chat is hidden. Closes #1606Gabe Kangas
2022-01-06Include IRI in error messageGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Fix and expand follower APIsGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Use full ActivityPub user account in chat eventGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Reject if full IRI is not found in outboxGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Save full IRI to outbox instead of pathGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Re-enable inbound verficationGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Clean up some logsGabe Kangas
2022-01-06Update dev admin bundleGabe Kangas