AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-12-19HyperTextParser as a class with proper keyword search cachingmyrix
2021-12-18optimized keyword parsingmyrix
2021-12-18Merge branch 'wet_and_sneaky' into 'master'Alexei Kotov
2021-12-18Don't consider underwater sneaking to be sneakingEvil Eye
2021-12-17Merge branch 'macos12_pipeline' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-17Add Ubuntu build Docker imageWassim DHIF
2021-12-17Add support for macOS12 with XCode13 in our CI/CDpsi29a
2021-12-17Merge branch 'im_walking_on_water_whoa_oh' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-17Merge branch 'sdl' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-17Merge branch 'fix_build' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-17Merge branch 'restrict_navmesh_cache_writes' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-17Merge branch 'launcher_navmesh_cache_progress' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-17Merge branch 'require-3.4-mygui' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-17Fix build on ubuntu 18.04elsid
2021-12-16Do not write shapes to navmeshdb when writing is disabledelsid
2021-12-16Fix navmesh cache progress bar jumpselsid
2021-12-16Remove unnecessary myguicompaturamer
2021-12-16Remove all MyGUI version checksuramer
2021-12-16Raise required MyGUI version to 3.4.1uramer
2021-12-16Merge branch 'which-gpu-are-you' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-16Merge branch 'msgboxvanillastyle' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-16Update changelog.mdkuyondo
2021-12-15Log OpenGL Vendor, Renderer and Version on startupAnyOldName3
2021-12-15Upgrade to SDL 2.0.18Evil Eye
2021-12-15Update .gitlab-ci.yml file to allow failure of static deps buildpsi29a
2021-12-15Merge branch 'locked_and_loaded' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-15Merge branch 'include' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-15Merge branch 'lua' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-15Allow Lua scripts to handle input actions when UI is opened. Also fixes #6456.Petr Mikheev
2021-12-15A few small fixes + expose makeReadOnly to Lua + an option to apply makeReadO...Petr Mikheev
2021-12-14Add missing includeEvil Eye
2021-12-14Change the legalities of opening unlocked objectsEvil Eye
2021-12-14Merge branch 'lua_ui_layers' into 'master'Petr Mikheev
2021-12-14Lua UI Layersuramer
2021-12-14added !1471psi29a
2021-12-14Merge branch 'a_bit_faster' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-11Merge branch 'no_more_i_yield' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-11Merge branch 'navmeshtool' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-11Merge branch 'nif' into 'master'psi29a
2021-12-11Explicitely add the initial actor to the set of its alliesEvil Eye
2021-12-11Some NIF cleanupAlexei Dobrohotov
2021-12-11Add changelog record for navmesh disk cacheelsid
2021-12-11Write generated navmesh to navmeshdbelsid
2021-12-11Support navmesh generation from launcherelsid
2021-12-11Read navmesh tile data from databaseelsid
2021-12-11Add a binary to generate navmesh from content fileselsid
2021-12-10Serialize arithmetic and enum types in little endian encodingelsid
2021-12-10Move enum related serialization logic from format to visitorselsid
2021-12-10Move serialization detournavigator/ -> components/elsid