diff options
authorPetr Mikheev <>2021-12-26 19:12:04 +0100
committerPetr Mikheev <>2021-12-30 00:37:54 +0100
commitf91a5499d353f0d8ffc018268380afcf74c626af (patch)
parent23e279c23eb752c311db28a019fc4030b8f5e80a (diff)
Add extern/i18n.lua
9 files changed, 782 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extern/i18n.lua/CMakeLists.txt b/extern/i18n.lua/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aec4447470
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/i18n.lua/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ message( FATAL_ERROR "OPENMW_RESOURCES_ROOT is not set" )
+# Copy resource files into the build directory
+set(DDIRRELATIVE resources/lua_libs/i18n)
+ i18n/init.lua
+ i18n/interpolate.lua
+ i18n/plural.lua
+ i18n/variants.lua
+ i18n/version.lua
diff --git a/extern/i18n.lua/LICENSE b/extern/i18n.lua/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ddf484685b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/i18n.lua/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+MIT License Terms
+Copyright (c) 2012 Enrique García Cota.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
+of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
+so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/extern/i18n.lua/ b/extern/i18n.lua/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b3271c321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/i18n.lua/
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+[![Build Status](](
+A very complete i18n lib for Lua
+``` lua
+i18n = require 'i18n'
+-- loading stuff
+i18n.set('en.welcome', 'welcome to this program')
+ en = {
+ good_bye = "good-bye!",
+ age_msg = "your age is %{age}.",
+ phone_msg = {
+ one = "you have one new message.",
+ other = "you have %{count} new messages."
+ }
+ }
+i18n.loadFile('path/to/your/project/i18n/de.lua') -- load German language file
+i18n.loadFile('path/to/your/project/i18n/fr.lua') -- load French language file
+… -- section 'using language files' below describes structure of files
+-- setting the translation context
+i18n.setLocale('en') -- English is the default locale anyway
+-- getting translations
+i18n.translate('welcome') -- Welcome to this program
+i18n('welcome') -- Welcome to this program
+i18n('age_msg', {age = 18}) -- Your age is 18.
+i18n('phone_msg', {count = 1}) -- You have one new message.
+i18n('phone_msg', {count = 2}) -- You have 2 new messages.
+i18n('good_bye') -- Good-bye!
+You can interpolate variables in 3 different ways:
+``` lua
+-- the most usual one
+i18n.set('variables', 'Interpolating variables: %{name} %{age}')
+i18n('variables', {name='john', 'age'=10}) -- Interpolating variables: john 10
+i18n.set('lua', 'Traditional Lua way: %d %s')
+i18n('lua', {1, 'message'}) -- Traditional Lua way: 1 message
+i18n.set('combined', 'Combined: %<name>.q %<age>.d %<age>.o')
+i18n('combined', {name='john', 'age'=10}) -- Combined: john 10 12k
+This lib implements the [ plural rules]( Just set the locale you want to use and it will deduce the appropiate pluralization rules:
+``` lua
+i18n = require 'i18n'
+ en = {
+ msg = {
+ one = "one message",
+ other = "%{count} messages"
+ }
+ },
+ ru = {
+ msg = {
+ one = "1 сообщение",
+ few = "%{count} сообщения",
+ many = "%{count} сообщений",
+ other = "%{count} сообщения"
+ }
+ }
+i18n('msg', {count = 1}) -- one message
+i18n('msg', {count = 5}) -- 5 сообщений
+The appropiate rule is chosen by finding the 'root' of the locale used: for example if the current locale is 'fr-CA', the 'fr' rules will be applied.
+If the provided functions are not enough (i.e. invented languages) it's possible to specify a custom pluralization function in the second parameter of setLocale. This function must return 'one', 'few', 'other', etc given a number.
+When a value is not found, the lib has several fallback mechanisms:
+* First, it will look in the current locale's parents. For example, if the locale was set to 'en-US' and the key 'msg' was not found there, it will be looked over in 'en'.
+* Second, if the value is not found in the locale ancestry, a 'fallback locale' (by default: 'en') can be used. If the fallback locale has any parents, they will be looked over too.
+* Third, if all the locales have failed, but there is a param called 'default' on the provided data, it will be used.
+* Otherwise the translation will return nil.
+The parents of a locale are found by splitting the locale by its hyphens. Other separation characters (spaces, underscores, etc) are not supported.
+Using language files
+It might be a good idea to store each translation in a different file. This is supported via the 'i18n.loadFile' directive:
+``` lua
+i18n.loadFile('path/to/your/project/i18n/de.lua') -- German translation
+i18n.loadFile('path/to/your/project/i18n/en.lua') -- English translation
+i18n.loadFile('path/to/your/project/i18n/fr.lua') -- French translation
+The German language file 'de.lua' should read:
+``` lua
+return {
+ de = {
+ good_bye = "Auf Wiedersehen!",
+ age_msg = "Ihr Alter beträgt %{age}.",
+ phone_msg = {
+ one = "Sie haben eine neue Nachricht.",
+ other = "Sie haben %{count} neue Nachrichten."
+ }
+ }
+If desired, you can also store all translations in one single file (eg. 'translations.lua'):
+``` lua
+return {
+ de = {
+ good_bye = "Auf Wiedersehen!",
+ age_msg = "Ihr Alter beträgt %{age}.",
+ phone_msg = {
+ one = "Sie haben eine neue Nachricht.",
+ other = "Sie haben %{count} neue Nachrichten."
+ }
+ },
+ fr = {
+ good_bye = "Au revoir !",
+ age_msg = "Vous avez %{age} ans.",
+ phone_msg = {
+ one = "Vous avez une noveau message.",
+ other = "Vous avez %{count} noveaux messages."
+ }
+ },
+ …
+This project uses [busted]( for its specs. If you want to run the specs, you will have to install it first. Then just execute the following from the root inspect folder:
+ busted
diff --git a/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/init.lua b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6bcccd0572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+local i18n = {}
+local store
+local locale
+local pluralizeFunction
+local defaultLocale = 'en'
+local fallbackLocale = defaultLocale
+local currentFilePath = (...):gsub("%.init$","")
+local plural = require(currentFilePath .. '.plural')
+local interpolate = require(currentFilePath .. '.interpolate')
+local variants = require(currentFilePath .. '.variants')
+local version = require(currentFilePath .. '.version')
+i18n.plural, i18n.interpolate, i18n.variants, i18n.version, i18n._VERSION =
+ plural, interpolate, variants, version, version
+-- private stuff
+local function dotSplit(str)
+ local fields, length = {},0
+ str:gsub("[^%.]+", function(c)
+ length = length + 1
+ fields[length] = c
+ end)
+ return fields, length
+local function isPluralTable(t)
+ return type(t) == 'table' and type(t.other) == 'string'
+local function isPresent(str)
+ return type(str) == 'string' and #str > 0
+local function assertPresent(functionName, paramName, value)
+ if isPresent(value) then return end
+ local msg = "i18n.%s requires a non-empty string on its %s. Got %s (a %s value)."
+ error(msg:format(functionName, paramName, tostring(value), type(value)))
+local function assertPresentOrPlural(functionName, paramName, value)
+ if isPresent(value) or isPluralTable(value) then return end
+ local msg = "i18n.%s requires a non-empty string or plural-form table on its %s. Got %s (a %s value)."
+ error(msg:format(functionName, paramName, tostring(value), type(value)))
+local function assertPresentOrTable(functionName, paramName, value)
+ if isPresent(value) or type(value) == 'table' then return end
+ local msg = "i18n.%s requires a non-empty string or table on its %s. Got %s (a %s value)."
+ error(msg:format(functionName, paramName, tostring(value), type(value)))
+local function assertFunctionOrNil(functionName, paramName, value)
+ if value == nil or type(value) == 'function' then return end
+ local msg = "i18n.%s requires a function (or nil) on param %s. Got %s (a %s value)."
+ error(msg:format(functionName, paramName, tostring(value), type(value)))
+local function defaultPluralizeFunction(count)
+ return plural.get(variants.root(i18n.getLocale()), count)
+local function pluralize(t, data)
+ assertPresentOrPlural('interpolatePluralTable', 't', t)
+ data = data or {}
+ local count = data.count or 1
+ local plural_form = pluralizeFunction(count)
+ return t[plural_form]
+local function treatNode(node, data)
+ if type(node) == 'string' then
+ return interpolate(node, data)
+ elseif isPluralTable(node) then
+ return interpolate(pluralize(node, data), data)
+ end
+ return node
+local function recursiveLoad(currentContext, data)
+ local composedKey
+ for k,v in pairs(data) do
+ composedKey = (currentContext and (currentContext .. '.') or "") .. tostring(k)
+ assertPresent('load', composedKey, k)
+ assertPresentOrTable('load', composedKey, v)
+ if type(v) == 'string' then
+ i18n.set(composedKey, v)
+ else
+ recursiveLoad(composedKey, v)
+ end
+ end
+local function localizedTranslate(key, loc, data)
+ local path, length = dotSplit(loc .. "." .. key)
+ local node = store
+ for i=1, length do
+ node = node[path[i]]
+ if not node then return nil end
+ end
+ return treatNode(node, data)
+-- public interface
+function i18n.set(key, value)
+ assertPresent('set', 'key', key)
+ assertPresentOrPlural('set', 'value', value)
+ local path, length = dotSplit(key)
+ local node = store
+ for i=1, length-1 do
+ key = path[i]
+ node[key] = node[key] or {}
+ node = node[key]
+ end
+ local lastKey = path[length]
+ node[lastKey] = value
+function i18n.translate(key, data)
+ assertPresent('translate', 'key', key)
+ data = data or {}
+ local usedLocale = data.locale or locale
+ local fallbacks = variants.fallbacks(usedLocale, fallbackLocale)
+ for i=1, #fallbacks do
+ local value = localizedTranslate(key, fallbacks[i], data)
+ if value then return value end
+ end
+ return data.default
+function i18n.setLocale(newLocale, newPluralizeFunction)
+ assertPresent('setLocale', 'newLocale', newLocale)
+ assertFunctionOrNil('setLocale', 'newPluralizeFunction', newPluralizeFunction)
+ locale = newLocale
+ pluralizeFunction = newPluralizeFunction or defaultPluralizeFunction
+function i18n.setFallbackLocale(newFallbackLocale)
+ assertPresent('setFallbackLocale', 'newFallbackLocale', newFallbackLocale)
+ fallbackLocale = newFallbackLocale
+function i18n.getFallbackLocale()
+ return fallbackLocale
+function i18n.getLocale()
+ return locale
+function i18n.reset()
+ store = {}
+ plural.reset()
+ i18n.setLocale(defaultLocale)
+ i18n.setFallbackLocale(defaultLocale)
+function i18n.load(data)
+ recursiveLoad(nil, data)
+function i18n.loadFile(path)
+ local chunk = assert(loadfile(path))
+ local data = chunk()
+ i18n.load(data)
+setmetatable(i18n, {__call = function(_, ...) return i18n.translate(...) end})
+return i18n
diff --git a/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/interpolate.lua b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/interpolate.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6bb242f05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/interpolate.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+local unpack = unpack or table.unpack -- lua 5.2 compat
+local FORMAT_CHARS = { c=1, d=1, E=1, e=1, f=1, g=1, G=1, i=1, o=1, u=1, X=1, x=1, s=1, q=1, ['%']=1 }
+-- matches a string of type %{age}
+local function interpolateValue(string, variables)
+ return string:gsub("(.?)%%{%s*(.-)%s*}",
+ function (previous, key)
+ if previous == "%" then
+ return
+ else
+ return previous .. tostring(variables[key])
+ end
+ end)
+-- matches a string of type %<age>.d
+local function interpolateField(string, variables)
+ return string:gsub("(.?)%%<%s*(.-)%s*>%.([cdEefgGiouXxsq])",
+ function (previous, key, format)
+ if previous == "%" then
+ return
+ else
+ return previous .. string.format("%" .. format, variables[key] or "nil")
+ end
+ end)
+local function escapePercentages(string)
+ return string:gsub("(%%)(.?)", function(_, char)
+ if FORMAT_CHARS[char] then
+ return "%" .. char
+ else
+ return "%%" .. char
+ end
+ end)
+local function unescapePercentages(string)
+ return string:gsub("(%%%%)(.?)", function(_, char)
+ if FORMAT_CHARS[char] then
+ return "%" .. char
+ else
+ return "%%" .. char
+ end
+ end)
+local function interpolate(pattern, variables)
+ variables = variables or {}
+ local result = pattern
+ result = interpolateValue(result, variables)
+ result = interpolateField(result, variables)
+ result = escapePercentages(result)
+ result = string.format(result, unpack(variables))
+ result = unescapePercentages(result)
+ return result
+return interpolate
diff --git a/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/plural.lua b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/plural.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb99804ee8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/plural.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+local plural = {}
+local defaultFunction = nil
+-- helper functions
+local function assertPresentString(functionName, paramName, value)
+ if type(value) ~= 'string' or #value == 0 then
+ local msg = "Expected param %s of function %s to be a string, but got %s (a value of type %s) instead"
+ error(msg:format(paramName, functionName, tostring(value), type(value)))
+ end
+local function assertNumber(functionName, paramName, value)
+ if type(value) ~= 'number' then
+ local msg = "Expected param %s of function %s to be a number, but got %s (a value of type %s) instead"
+ error(msg:format(paramName, functionName, tostring(value), type(value)))
+ end
+-- transforms "foo bar baz" into {'foo','bar','baz'}
+local function words(str)
+ local result, length = {}, 0
+ str:gsub("%S+", function(word)
+ length = length + 1
+ result[length] = word
+ end)
+ return result
+local function isInteger(n)
+ return n == math.floor(n)
+local function between(value, min, max)
+ return value >= min and value <= max
+local function inside(v, list)
+ for i=1, #list do
+ if v == list[i] then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+-- pluralization functions
+local pluralization = {}
+local f1 = function(n)
+ return n == 1 and "one" or "other"
+pluralization[f1] = words([[
+ af asa bem bez bg bn brx ca cgg chr da de dv ee el
+ en eo es et eu fi fo fur fy gl gsw gu ha haw he is
+ it jmc kaj kcg kk kl ksb ku lb lg mas ml mn mr nah
+ nb nd ne nl nn no nr ny nyn om or pa pap ps pt rm
+ rof rwk saq seh sn so sq ss ssy st sv sw syr ta te
+ teo tig tk tn ts ur ve vun wae xh xog zu
+local f2 = function(n)
+ return (n == 0 or n == 1) and "one" or "other"
+pluralization[f2] = words("ak am bh fil guw hi ln mg nso ti tl wa")
+local f3 = function(n)
+ if not isInteger(n) then return 'other' end
+ return (n == 0 and "zero") or
+ (n == 1 and "one") or
+ (n == 2 and "two") or
+ (between(n % 100, 3, 10) and "few") or
+ (between(n % 100, 11, 99) and "many") or
+ "other"
+pluralization[f3] = {'ar'}
+local f4 = function()
+ return "other"
+pluralization[f4] = words([[
+ az bm bo dz fa hu id ig ii ja jv ka kde kea km kn
+ ko lo ms my root sah ses sg th to tr vi wo yo zh
+local f5 = function(n)
+ if not isInteger(n) then return 'other' end
+ local n_10, n_100 = n % 10, n % 100
+ return (n_10 == 1 and n_100 ~= 11 and 'one') or
+ (between(n_10, 2, 4) and not between(n_100, 12, 14) and 'few') or
+ ((n_10 == 0 or between(n_10, 5, 9) or between(n_100, 11, 14)) and 'many') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f5] = words('be bs hr ru sh sr uk')
+local f6 = function(n)
+ if not isInteger(n) then return 'other' end
+ local n_10, n_100 = n % 10, n % 100
+ return (n_10 == 1 and not inside(n_100, {11,71,91}) and 'one') or
+ (n_10 == 2 and not inside(n_100, {12,72,92}) and 'two') or
+ (inside(n_10, {3,4,9}) and
+ not between(n_100, 10, 19) and
+ not between(n_100, 70, 79) and
+ not between(n_100, 90, 99)
+ and 'few') or
+ (n ~= 0 and n % 1000000 == 0 and 'many') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f6] = {'br'}
+local f7 = function(n)
+ return (n == 1 and 'one') or
+ ((n == 2 or n == 3 or n == 4) and 'few') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f7] = {'cz', 'sk'}
+local f8 = function(n)
+ return (n == 0 and 'zero') or
+ (n == 1 and 'one') or
+ (n == 2 and 'two') or
+ (n == 3 and 'few') or
+ (n == 6 and 'many') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f8] = {'cy'}
+local f9 = function(n)
+ return (n >= 0 and n < 2 and 'one') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f9] = {'ff', 'fr', 'kab'}
+local f10 = function(n)
+ return (n == 1 and 'one') or
+ (n == 2 and 'two') or
+ ((n == 3 or n == 4 or n == 5 or n == 6) and 'few') or
+ ((n == 7 or n == 8 or n == 9 or n == 10) and 'many') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f10] = {'ga'}
+local f11 = function(n)
+ return ((n == 1 or n == 11) and 'one') or
+ ((n == 2 or n == 12) and 'two') or
+ (isInteger(n) and (between(n, 3, 10) or between(n, 13, 19)) and 'few') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f11] = {'gd'}
+local f12 = function(n)
+ local n_10 = n % 10
+ return ((n_10 == 1 or n_10 == 2 or n % 20 == 0) and 'one') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f12] = {'gv'}
+local f13 = function(n)
+ return (n == 1 and 'one') or
+ (n == 2 and 'two') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f13] = words('iu kw naq se sma smi smj smn sms')
+local f14 = function(n)
+ return (n == 0 and 'zero') or
+ (n == 1 and 'one') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f14] = {'ksh'}
+local f15 = function(n)
+ return (n == 0 and 'zero') or
+ (n > 0 and n < 2 and 'one') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f15] = {'lag'}
+local f16 = function(n)
+ if not isInteger(n) then return 'other' end
+ if between(n % 100, 11, 19) then return 'other' end
+ local n_10 = n % 10
+ return (n_10 == 1 and 'one') or
+ (between(n_10, 2, 9) and 'few') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f16] = {'lt'}
+local f17 = function(n)
+ return (n == 0 and 'zero') or
+ ((n % 10 == 1 and n % 100 ~= 11) and 'one') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f17] = {'lv'}
+local f18 = function(n)
+ return((n % 10 == 1 and n ~= 11) and 'one') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f18] = {'mk'}
+local f19 = function(n)
+ return (n == 1 and 'one') or
+ ((n == 0 or
+ (n ~= 1 and isInteger(n) and between(n % 100, 1, 19)))
+ and 'few') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f19] = {'mo', 'ro'}
+local f20 = function(n)
+ if n == 1 then return 'one' end
+ if not isInteger(n) then return 'other' end
+ local n_100 = n % 100
+ return ((n == 0 or between(n_100, 2, 10)) and 'few') or
+ (between(n_100, 11, 19) and 'many') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f20] = {'mt'}
+local f21 = function(n)
+ if n == 1 then return 'one' end
+ if not isInteger(n) then return 'other' end
+ local n_10, n_100 = n % 10, n % 100
+ return ((between(n_10, 2, 4) and not between(n_100, 12, 14)) and 'few') or
+ ((n_10 == 0 or n_10 == 1 or between(n_10, 5, 9) or between(n_100, 12, 14)) and 'many') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f21] = {'pl'}
+local f22 = function(n)
+ return (n == 0 or n == 1) and 'one' or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f22] = {'shi'}
+local f23 = function(n)
+ local n_100 = n % 100
+ return (n_100 == 1 and 'one') or
+ (n_100 == 2 and 'two') or
+ ((n_100 == 3 or n_100 == 4) and 'few') or
+ 'other'
+pluralization[f23] = {'sl'}
+local f24 = function(n)
+ return (isInteger(n) and (n == 0 or n == 1 or between(n, 11, 99)) and 'one')
+ or 'other'
+pluralization[f24] = {'tzm'}
+local pluralizationFunctions = {}
+for f,locales in pairs(pluralization) do
+ for _,locale in ipairs(locales) do
+ pluralizationFunctions[locale] = f
+ end
+-- public interface
+function plural.get(locale, n)
+ assertPresentString('i18n.plural.get', 'locale', locale)
+ assertNumber('i18n.plural.get', 'n', n)
+ local f = pluralizationFunctions[locale] or defaultFunction
+ return f(math.abs(n))
+function plural.setDefaultFunction(f)
+ defaultFunction = f
+function plural.reset()
+ defaultFunction = pluralizationFunctions['en']
+return plural
diff --git a/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/variants.lua b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/variants.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cfad42f6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/variants.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+local variants = {}
+local function reverse(arr, length)
+ local result = {}
+ for i=1, length do result[i] = arr[length-i+1] end
+ return result, length
+local function concat(arr1, len1, arr2, len2)
+ for i = 1, len2 do
+ arr1[len1 + i] = arr2[i]
+ end
+ return arr1, len1 + len2
+function variants.ancestry(locale)
+ local result, length, accum = {},0,nil
+ locale:gsub("[^%-]+", function(c)
+ length = length + 1
+ accum = accum and (accum .. '-' .. c) or c
+ result[length] = accum
+ end)
+ return reverse(result, length)
+function variants.isParent(parent, child)
+ return not not child:match("^".. parent .. "%-")
+function variants.root(locale)
+ return locale:match("[^%-]+")
+function variants.fallbacks(locale, fallbackLocale)
+ if locale == fallbackLocale or
+ variants.isParent(fallbackLocale, locale) then
+ return variants.ancestry(locale)
+ end
+ if variants.isParent(locale, fallbackLocale) then
+ return variants.ancestry(fallbackLocale)
+ end
+ local ancestry1, length1 = variants.ancestry(locale)
+ local ancestry2, length2 = variants.ancestry(fallbackLocale)
+ return concat(ancestry1, length1, ancestry2, length2)
+return variants
diff --git a/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/version.lua b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/version.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..eb788884ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extern/i18n.lua/i18n/version.lua
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+return '0.9.2'
diff --git a/files/CMakeLists.txt b/files/CMakeLists.txt
index cea33f0f40..607ddeca49 100644
--- a/files/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/files/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,3 +3,4 @@ add_subdirectory(shaders)
+add_subdirectory(../extern/i18n.lua ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/files)