/* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ #if NCPUS > 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //uint16_t, uint32_t_t... #include #include /* * The i386 needs an interrupt stack to keep the PCB stack from being * overrun by interrupts. All interrupt stacks MUST lie at lower addresses * than any thread`s kernel stack. */ /* * Addresses of bottom and top of interrupt stacks. */ vm_offset_t interrupt_stack[NCPUS]; vm_offset_t _int_stack_top[NCPUS]; /* * Barrier address. */ vm_offset_t int_stack_high; /* * First cpu`s interrupt stack. */ char intstack[]; /* bottom */ char eintstack[]; /* top */ /* * Addresses of bottom and top of cpu main stacks. */ vm_offset_t cpu_stack[NCPUS]; vm_offset_t _cpu_stack_top[NCPUS]; /* * Barrier address. */ vm_offset_t cpu_stack_high; static struct kmutex mp_cpu_boot_lock; /* * Multiprocessor i386/i486 systems use a separate copy of the * GDT, IDT, LDT, and kernel TSS per processor. The first three * are separate to avoid lock contention: the i386 uses locked * memory cycles to access the descriptor tables. The TSS is * separate since each processor needs its own kernel stack, * and since using a TSS marks it busy. */ /* * Allocated descriptor tables. */ struct mp_desc_table *mp_desc_table[NCPUS] = { 0 }; /* * Pointer to TSS for access in load_context. */ struct task_tss *mp_ktss[NCPUS] = { 0 }; /* * Pointer to GDT to reset the KTSS busy bit. */ struct real_descriptor *mp_gdt[NCPUS] = { 0 }; /* * Boot-time tables, for initialization and master processor. */ extern struct real_gate idt[IDTSZ]; extern struct real_descriptor gdt[GDTSZ]; extern struct real_descriptor ldt[LDTSZ]; /* * Address of cpu start routine, to skip to protected mode after startup IPI * TODO: Reserve physical page to this */ extern void* *apboot, *apbootend; #define AP_BOOT_ADDR (0x7000) //cpu stack void* stack_ptr = 0; //ICR Destination mode #define PHYSICAL 0 #define LOGICAL 1 //ICR Delivery mode #define STARTUP 6 #define INIT 5 //ICR Level #define DE_ASSERT 0 #define ASSERT 1 //ICR Trigger mode #define EDGE 0 #define LEVEL 1 //ICR Destination Shorthand #define NO_SHORTHAND 0 #define SEND_PENDING 1 extern int lapic_addr; extern pt_entry_t *kernel_page_dir; /* * Allocate and initialize the per-processor descriptor tables. */ struct mp_desc_table * mp_desc_init(int mycpu) { struct mp_desc_table *mpt; if (mycpu == master_cpu) { /* * Master CPU uses the tables built at boot time. * Just set the TSS and GDT pointers. */ mp_ktss[mycpu] = (struct task_tss *) &ktss; mp_gdt[mycpu] = gdt; return 0; } else { /* * Other CPUs allocate the table from the bottom of * the interrupt stack. */ mpt = (struct mp_desc_table *) interrupt_stack[mycpu]; mp_desc_table[mycpu] = mpt; mp_ktss[mycpu] = &mpt->ktss; mp_gdt[mycpu] = mpt->gdt; /* * Copy the tables */ memcpy(mpt->idt, idt, sizeof(idt)); memcpy(mpt->gdt, gdt, sizeof(gdt)); memcpy(mpt->ldt, ldt, sizeof(ldt)); memset(&mpt->ktss, 0, sizeof(struct task_tss)); /* * Fix up the entries in the GDT to point to * this LDT and this TSS. */ #ifdef MACH_RING1 panic("TODO %s:%d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__); #else /* MACH_RING1 */ fill_descriptor(&mpt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_LDT)], (unsigned)&mpt->ldt, LDTSZ * sizeof(struct real_descriptor) - 1, ACC_P|ACC_PL_K|ACC_LDT, 0); fill_descriptor(&mpt->gdt[sel_idx(KERNEL_TSS)], (unsigned)&mpt->ktss, sizeof(struct task_tss) - 1, ACC_P|ACC_PL_K|ACC_TSS, 0); mpt->ktss.tss.ss0 = KERNEL_DS; mpt->ktss.tss.io_bit_map_offset = IOPB_INVAL; mpt->ktss.barrier = 0xFF; #endif /* MACH_RING1 */ return mpt; } } static void send_ipi(unsigned icr_h, unsigned icr_l) { lapic->icr_high.r = icr_h; lapic->icr_low.r = icr_l; } /*TODO: Add delay between IPI*/ void startup_cpu(uint32_t apic_id) { unsigned icr_h = 0; unsigned icr_l = 0; //send INIT Assert IPI icr_h = (apic_id << 24); icr_l = (INIT << 8) | (ASSERT << 14) | (LEVEL << 15); send_ipi(icr_h, icr_l); dummyf(lapic->apic_id.r); //wait until IPI is sent delay(10000); while( ( (lapic->icr_low.r >> 12) & 1) == SEND_PENDING); //Send INIT De-Assert IPI icr_h = 0; icr_l = 0; icr_h = (apic_id << 24); icr_l = (INIT << 8) | (DE_ASSERT << 14) | (LEVEL << 15); send_ipi(icr_h, icr_l); dummyf(lapic->apic_id.r); //wait until IPI is sent delay(10000); while( ( (lapic->icr_low.r >> 12) & 1) == SEND_PENDING); //Send StartUp IPI icr_h = 0; icr_l = 0; icr_h = (apic_id << 24); icr_l = (STARTUP << 8) | ((AP_BOOT_ADDR >>12) & 0xff); send_ipi(icr_h, icr_l); dummyf(lapic->apic_id.r); //wait until IPI is sent delay(1000); while( ( (lapic->icr_low.r >> 12) & 1) == SEND_PENDING); //Send second StartUp IPI icr_h = 0; icr_l = 0; icr_h = (apic_id << 24); icr_l = (STARTUP << 8) | ((AP_BOOT_ADDR >>12) & 0xff); send_ipi(icr_h, icr_l); dummyf(lapic->apic_id.r); //wait until IPI is sent delay(1000); while( ( (lapic->icr_low.r >> 12) & 1) == SEND_PENDING); } int cpu_setup() { int i = 1; int kernel_id = 0; while(i < ncpu && (machine_slot[i].running == TRUE)) i++; /* assume Pentium 4, Xeon, or later processors */ //unsigned apic_id = (((ApicLocalUnit*)phystokv(lapic_addr))->apic_id.r >> 24) & 0xff; unsigned apic_id = lapic->apic_id.r; /* panic? */ if(i >= ncpu) return -1; /*TODO: Move this code to a separate function*/ /* Update apic2kernel and machine_slot with the newest apic_id */ if(apic2kernel[machine_slot[i].apic_id] == i) { apic2kernel[machine_slot[i].apic_id] = -1; } apic2kernel[apic_id] = i; machine_slot[i].apic_id = apic_id >>24; /* Initialize machine_slot fields with the cpu data */ machine_slot[i].running = TRUE; machine_slot[i].cpu_subtype = CPU_SUBTYPE_AT386; int cpu_type = discover_x86_cpu_type (); switch (cpu_type) { default: printf("warning: unknown cpu type %d, assuming i386\n", cpu_type); case 3: machine_slot[i].cpu_type = CPU_TYPE_I386; break; case 4: machine_slot[i].cpu_type = CPU_TYPE_I486; break; case 5: machine_slot[i].cpu_type = CPU_TYPE_PENTIUM; break; case 6: case 15: machine_slot[i].cpu_type = CPU_TYPE_PENTIUMPRO; break; } //slave_main(); kernel_id = cpu_number(); printf("cpu %d enabled\n", kernel_id); return 0; } int cpu_ap_main() { if(cpu_setup()) goto idle; idle: for(;;) asm volatile("hlt"); } /*TODO: Reimplement function to send Startup IPI to cpu*/ kern_return_t intel_startCPU(int slot_num) { /*TODO: Get local APIC from cpu*/ int lapic_id = machine_slot[slot_num].apic_id; unsigned long eFlagsRegister; kmutex_init(&mp_cpu_boot_lock); printf("Trying to enable: %d\n", lapic_id); //assert(lapic != -1); /* Serialize use of the slave boot stack, etc. */ kmutex_lock(&mp_cpu_boot_lock, FALSE); /*istate = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);*/ cpu_intr_save(&eFlagsRegister); if (slot_num == cpu_number()) { /*ml_set_interrupts_enabled(istate);*/ cpu_intr_restore(eFlagsRegister); /*lck_mtx_unlock(&mp_cpu_boot_lock);*/ kmutex_unlock(&mp_cpu_boot_lock); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * Perform the processor startup sequence with all running * processors rendezvous'ed. This is required during periods when * the cache-disable bit is set for MTRR/PAT initialization. */ /*mp_rendezvous_no_intrs(start_cpu, (void *) &start_info);*/ startup_cpu(lapic_id); /* * Initialize (or re-initialize) the descriptor tables for this cpu. * Propagate processor mode to slave. */ /*cpu_desc_init64(cpu_datap(slot_num));*/ mp_desc_init(slot_num); /*ml_set_interrupts_enabled(istate);*/ cpu_intr_restore(eFlagsRegister); /*lck_mtx_unlock(&mp_cpu_boot_lock);*/ kmutex_unlock(&mp_cpu_boot_lock); delay(1000000); /*if (!cpu_datap(slot_num)->cpu_running) {*/ if(!machine_slot[slot_num].running) { printf("Failed to start CPU %02d, rebooting...\n", slot_num); halt_cpu(); return KERN_SUCCESS; } else { printf("Started cpu %d (lapic id %08x)\n", slot_num, lapic_id); return KERN_SUCCESS; } } /* * Called after all CPUs have been found, but before the VM system * is running. The machine array must show which CPUs exist. */ void interrupt_stack_alloc(void) { int i; vm_offset_t stack_start; /* * Allocate an interrupt stack for each CPU except for * the master CPU (which uses the bootstrap stack) */ if (!init_alloc_aligned(INTSTACK_SIZE*(ncpu-1), &stack_start)) panic("not enough memory for interrupt stacks"); stack_start = phystokv(stack_start); /* * Set up pointers to the top of the interrupt stack. */ for (i = 0; i < ncpu; i++) { if (i == master_cpu) { interrupt_stack[i] = (vm_offset_t) intstack; _int_stack_top[i] = (vm_offset_t) eintstack; } else if (machine_slot[i].is_cpu) { interrupt_stack[i] = stack_start; _int_stack_top[i] = stack_start + INTSTACK_SIZE; stack_start += INTSTACK_SIZE; } } /* * Set up the barrier address. All thread stacks MUST * be above this address. */ int_stack_high = stack_start; } /* XXX should be adjusted per CPU speed */ int simple_lock_pause_loop = 100; unsigned int simple_lock_pause_count = 0; /* debugging */ void simple_lock_pause(void) { static volatile int dummy; int i; simple_lock_pause_count++; /* * Used in loops that are trying to acquire locks out-of-order. */ for (i = 0; i < simple_lock_pause_loop; i++) dummy++; /* keep the compiler from optimizing the loop away */ } kern_return_t cpu_control(int cpu, const int *info, unsigned int count) { printf("cpu_control(%d, %p, %d) not implemented\n", cpu, info, count); return KERN_FAILURE; } void interrupt_processor(int cpu) { printf("interrupt cpu %d\n",cpu); } kern_return_t cpu_start(int cpu) { if (machine_slot[cpu].running) return KERN_FAILURE; return intel_startCPU(cpu); } void start_other_cpus(void) { int cpu; vm_offset_t stack_start; int apic_id = lapic->apic_id.r; extern pt_entry_t *kernel_page_dir; extern int nb_direct_value; int i = 0; printf("found %d cpus\n", ncpu); printf("The current cpu is: %d\n", cpu_number()); //copy start routine /*TODO: Copy the routine in a physical page */ memcpy((void*)phystokv(AP_BOOT_ADDR), (void*) &apboot, (uint32_t)&apbootend - (uint32_t)&apboot); //update BSP machine_slot and apic2kernel machine_slot[0].apic_id = apic_id; apic2kernel[apic_id] = 0; //Reserve memory for cpu stack if (!init_alloc_aligned(STACK_SIZE*(ncpu-1), &stack_start)) panic("not enough memory for cpu stacks"); stack_start = phystokv(stack_start); for (cpu = 0; cpu < ncpu; cpu++) { if (cpu != cpu_number()) { //Initialize cpu stack cpu_stack[cpu] = stack_start; _cpu_stack_top[cpu] = stack_start + STACK_SIZE; stack_ptr = cpu_stack[cpu]; machine_slot[cpu].running = FALSE; cpu_start(cpu); stack_start += STACK_SIZE; } } /* Get rid of the temporary direct mapping and flush it out of the TLB. */ for (i = 0 ; i < nb_direct_value; i++){ kernel_page_dir[lin2pdenum_cont(INIT_VM_MIN_KERNEL_ADDRESS) + i] = 0; } } #endif /* NCPUS > 1 */